What in God's Name is Wrong with You
House Republicans? Is it Ignorance,
Hatred Against Pres. Obama,
Or Are You Just a No Good,
Money Hungry Legislature
That Just Don't Give a Darn!
Millions of People will Lose
Health Care, including My
40 Year Old Son who has
Serious Health issues and who
Has been Walking around with
A Too Delicate to Operate
Brain Tumor for a Few Years
Now. But as Bad as All of that
Is, It Was a Whole Lot Worst
When he did Not have Health
Insurance. God Used The
Affordable Health Care Act
To help Save My Son's Life.
Now, he has Great Doctor's
and Great Care! And We
Personally have Thanked
God and President Obama
Over and Over Again.
So What happen to those
Five Republicans who met
With Trump and Changed their
Mind's? Did Mr. Trump Threaten
Them? Was there Blackmail in
The Air?....Uh?! And While I watched
Many Americans Cry in Hurt and Anger,
The House Republicans were
Celebrating, Taking Pictures.
Yeah.... Go ahead and
Take Those Pictures, Just Like They
Took Pictures Smiling and Excited
Just Before They got on The Titanic
And It Sunk. Because You Will Pay.
So U.S. Senate Republicans, Take Note:
You are going to See The Repercussion
Of What The House Did Today, Not Just
Seeing Them Losing Seat After Seat
In 2018. But You Will See in State After
State Constituents giving Their Congressman
and a Congresswoman a Literal Beat Down.
So Take Heed of The Warning. Do Not
Even Do a Up or Down Vote on This Bill.
Don't Do Nothing!
For You May Be Scared of Donald Trump,
Or of Losing that Seat that You Don't Deserve.
But Your Biggest Fear Should be When
You Face God. Oh Yes, and Baby...You Will. And
Everyday and Night, You are going to have
To Deal with that Man or Woman In The
So was it Worth it? Was it Worth it
Just so That Donald Trump could get
Some Sick Kind of Victory? Hear
Me Now, This Leader has Some
Serious Mental Issues and Will Soon
Be Out of Office. And then You
Will Be Left to deal with what
You did, All By Yourself! And to
Both House and Senate Republicans and
Democrats, I have a Warning for
You, Proverbs 21:13 Saids that
"Those that Stop Their
Ears Against The Cry of The Poor
Will One Day Cry Themselves and Will
Not Be Heard"......People, Pay Day is
Coming! God Will Not be Mocked, You Will
Reap what You Sowed. So You Better
Pray that Jimmy Kimble's Testimony
Will Not Come Down Your Street. Maybe
Not The Same Way, But I Promise You..
It's Coming! So, it's Time to Repent,
Pray, Stand Up......And Fight!
Pastor D