Saturday, September 21, 2024

"URGENT!!!!, HEAR THE REAL TRUTH..LISTEN and VOTE!( The Truth about The Election of 2024!

 Praise The Lord! November 5th, 2024 is The Most Crucial Presidential Election Ever , and this Quick Message is to The Ignorant Black and Brown People in This Country, 

First of All, Regardless of Age or Anything I was 100% Behind President Joe Biden, and I Thank him for All that he is Doing, But God Saids, Vice President Harris,I Need You to Finish The Course! So Hear The Truth on Today, September 21st ,2024.    1. Donald Trump Do Not Care Nothing about You. The Lies and Racist  Damage that he is doing to The Haitians, he is Doing to You! So Listen to This Truth: ****This is About Our Freedom! 

***And To All of My Arabic/Palestinian Friends in Dearborn, Michigan, Please Understand I Understand You  Being Angry, I am Angry Too! But, If You Remain Non Committal,  It Will Open The Door for Donald Trump to get in, And Not President Biden or Vice President Harris, Will Be  Hurt. "YOU" Will Be Hurt! If Donald Trumps Gets in YOU Will be On The First Thing Smoking Out of Here! They Hate You, And They Never Wanted You Here. Please, Pray and Vote!!!

2. Black Folks, Donald Trump Did not give you No Check. That Stimulus Check came From The U.S. Treasury Department and Passed by The Congress ( Democrats) and Some Republicans.  Trump made them put his name on that Check. Trump was trying to Stay in. This Man Gives Nothing out of his Own Pocket. And in the Following Months of that Check that The government sent, President Biden Sent another Stimulus Check, he just Didn't Sign his name on it.Wake Up! 3. Project 2025 is Real, and it is Worst than what you heard.  Get Some Church Groups and College Groups Together and Read The Whole Thing. A National Ban on Abortion, Getting Rid of The Department of Education, Destroying Social Security and Medical Care,Black and Brown immigrants being Locked Up and Deported,  Our Voting Rights being  Taken Away and More. is Just The Tip of The Iceberg! Wake Up! *** And The Note of Health Care, Look Out Men, One Day if God Say So, No Men Over 50 Years Old Will Allowed to have A Vasectomy or Will Be Allowed to Purchase Male Enhancement like Viagra! Watch Out!!!!

4. We Must Vote The Whole Ballot. Vote for A Democratic House and Senate. VP Harris ( or Any President ) Cannot get the Job Done w/A Racist Sorry Congress, Vote The Whole Ballot!  Listen, No Man/Woman is Perfect Only God is Perfect,  Go Get Up, and Get Out And Vote!!!

*****Finally, I Cannot Tell You How Proud that I am Of Our Young People, David Hogg, Congressman Maxwell Frost and More. Thank You for Registering Folk to Vote, Thank You for Standing Up for The Truth. Listen, Black and Brown Folk, Stop buying into that Lie that Your Vote Don't Matter, Oh it Matters Baby, That's Why they are Spending Billions of Dollars on Lies and on Trying to Block Our  Vote. And in 2024. They are Still trying to kill us and Jail us So that We We Cannot Vote, Every Vote Matters. Every Single Vote.  Stop Letting that 95 Year Old Grandmother and that 19 Year Old College Student Do Your Job! If You had Something to eat Yesterday and have Some kind of Roof Over Your Head, You Better Thank God and Vote. Because Tomorrow it may not be here. Donald Trump Do Not Care Anything about You or The Immigrant, ( Haitian  or Brown). So Get Your Behind up, get Registered and Vote! ****And Listen. If You Cannot Read or Can Understand The Ballot, Call on a Pastor or The Naacp, We Can Help You!

There is No Shame in that, The Shame is to Know that You Need Help and Refusing to Get Help. So  Stand on 2nd Chronicles 7:14 and Seek God's Face, Pray, Repent. And Vote! For if You Don't Vote....Shut Up! And Get Out of Our Way!!!!!! For We are going to Pray. Stand Up and Fight!!!!!  Blessings-PastorD

Monday, July 22, 2024

"WE LOVE YOU JOE! (God Has Spoken....And Let The Enemies Be Scattered !!

 Today is Monday July 22nd, 2024, The Day After Our Hearts were  Broken When President Joe Biden Announced that he is Not going to Continue to Run For Re-election. Yes, it Broke Our Heart! But Now Let Me Speak to Those No Good Back Stabbing  Democrats who were trying to Force President Biden Out, You Will get Yours ! God  Will Make Sure that You Reap What you Sowed. And While God is Sending Money to Help This Campaign, I have Told Many of Our Churches to Unsubscribe All of You Off of their emails and Not to Donate A Dime to You.

  See  You weren't Calling for Biden to Step Down to Save This Country, No,You were Calling for him to Step Down to Save Your Own Behind. See, You Didn't want A Black Woman to Move up to Be President of The United States Now or in The Future. But God has A Great Sense of Humor. So Now, President Biden has Stepped Down   ( Running) And Now Vice President Kamala Harris IS Running For President.... Look at  God!  

  So to My President Joe Biden, We Thank You So Much For Everything that You have Done!   And We Love You So Much!  May God Bless You, May Jesus Blood Cover You and May God in All of His Power Heal You!  God's Covering Over Jill, Hunter, The Grandkids and Your Whole Family! And Let's Remember People, President Joe Biden is Still The President of The United States!

So, Seek God's  Face, Pray. Be Humble and Turn From Your Wicked Ways. Stand on 2nd Chronicles 7: 14, Praise The Name of Jesus and Vote!, Vote!, Vote!  And God Lead Kamala Harris and Give her Your Wisdom, For You Are The One and Only God!  So, Let The Enemies Be Scattered!!!!



Friday, July 5, 2024

"JUST SHUT UP !(Help Pres. Biden Win or Get Out of The Way!!!!)×

 Praise The Lord! I am Just going to get Straight to The Point.

Pres, Biden is in his 80's....Suprise!! Democrats & Others..What is Your Problem?! The People in Michigan, Georgia & Elsewhere are tired of You Whining! The President Who has Been Working Hard for You And Getting Things Done for These Last 3.5 Years, Studders, & Forget Some Things...Oh, Call The Mental Health Police!, & w/ All of his Issues, he has not Missed One Step As President. He Was Not Found Guilty of 34 Felonies, he did Not Rape Anybody, SHUT UP!! You see, You have Showed Your True Colors. You Are A Coward and Have no Loyalty.   & Spoiler Alert!, The Cat is Out of The Bag..You Are Not Worried About President Biden's Ability's, You are Worried About Losing "Your" Own Election! & Yes, Rashida & Team, You Have A Right to be Upset, But Stop,  Pray & Let Go of This Uncommitted Ballot Mess, You Will Not Hurt Biden, But You Will hurt Me, & Your Family When Trump Puts You Back on The Boat to Send You Back to Where he thinks that You Came From.  So to Keep Trump Out of The Whitehouse,  We All Must Come Together As One, Even if We Don't Always agree, For in Unity..We Have Power!!!! So Let Me  Close w/This, Say that You Have A Loving, Wonderful Grandmother. This Woman has Always Put Food on The Table,  Kept The Lights on & A Roof Over You & Your Kids Head. Well She is Now 92 Years Old, and other Than A Few Mis-Steps, She Still Does A Great Job Taking Care of You. ****So What Are going to do, Throw her Away or Love her & Help her to Help,You? So Grow Up People, Let President Biden Know that You Love him, and Let The Country Know that You are going to Work & Help him Do his Job, For If ."God" is Telling Pres. Biden to Be Still, Not Man or his Ego, Then Shut Up & Get Out of The Way!  God Has A Plan! Listen, We Can Do More Together than Apart! So, Don't Play Putin's & Kim Jon Um Propaganda's Election Game. Stand Up, Pray, Fight & Vote, Vote, Vote!!!!

Blessings PastorD

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"GOD SAID, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!"( People Wake Up!

 Praise The Lord! My Word For All of Us is Simple....Wake Up! There is Only One God! And This God has had Enough of You Serving Wanna Be Mobsters and Wanna Be God's Instead of Him. Jesus is God, Not Trump, Biden or Anybody! And When You Come to Yourself and Realize that You were Serving Man Not God, When You are in Your Crisis and Call Out on The Real God, You Will Find Out thatnHe Will Not Answer!  Seek God's Face like he saids in 2nd Chronicle 7 :14 and Vote!

Biden and Prayer is Why a Lot of You have A Job, Have Health Insurance  and Can Eat( Even Though The Prices are High) Hold on, God is Moving, Do Not Change Trains Now. If You Do,  It Will be Devastating!

Jesus Would Not Threaten A DA and Their Family, Jesus Would Not Threaten to Blow Up Houses, Because Things Didn't Go his Way, Jesus Would Not Instigate a Insurrection and Cause Death. Jesus is The Only One Who Can Vengeance is Mine!, Not God! And Wake Up, They are Not Coming After You, They are Coming After Trump, Because he has Done Wrong. He Has No Power to Help You, he cannot even help Himself!...Wake Up!

You Seem Jesus is Love and Peace. And in A Minute, The Only G,od Who Went to The Cross Because of "Our" Sins is About to Reveal The Real Truth about Mr. Trump and All of The Lies!  And How Dare You Let Donald Trump Compare his Pain to Jesus! Jesus Litterally, Hung on A Real Cross for Us! Trump was Found Guilty for 34 Counts of A Crime. Jesus has Done No Wrong. And As God's Truth Comes Out, We Will Find Out that it is Worst than We Can Imagine. And No Supreme Court or Judge Threats and More Can Stop This Truth From Coming Out!! So Repent Now, Stand Up , Pray  Fight! and Vote! For God Saids...Enough Is Enough! Be Blessed  -PastorD

Sunday, January 14, 2024

"THE DREAM MUST CONTINUE....OR WE WILL BE LIVING IN A NIGHTMARE!!!(Remembering, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr.)

 This is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend.  His Birthday is Today-January 15 th, 2024.  Now Let Me Get Straight To The Point....If We Don't Get Out and Vote, Register People to Vote, Pray, and Stand on 2nd Chronicles 7;14, Dr, King's Dream WILL TURN INTO A NIGHTMARE!!! Hear What The Real God Said. Wake Up! No Things Might Not Be Perfect, But You Have Someone Now Who Loves You and Who is Trying Very Hard to Fix Things, And Have Done A Lot to Feed Your Babies, and Making Sure that You Can Go to The Doctors and More.  There is Only One God, and Jesus is His Name.  The Real God, Does Not Threatened Judges, Lie, Promote Hate, and Violence.   Hear Me and Hear Me Now, Donald Trump is Not or Never Will Be God!!!! For Jesus is About Peace and Love, And Jesus Saids That Vengeance is  Mines! "Mine's"( Me, God Almighty...Not Trump or Any Man! )People, Read Your Word!!! -For there is Only God and Jesus is His Name.  Folk  Better Stop Trumping Around With These False god's For it is Like The Word Will Tell You.....God Said, That I am God, and that There is No Other God Beside Me, And Just in Case You Haven't Read God's Word, God Also said , That I Am A Jealous God!  So Wake Up People, For God...(The Real God Don't Play!!!!!!)  And as Far as Trump goes,  When Did Trump go to The Cross and Shed His Blood For You? When Did Trump Sacrifice his Life?  He Can't Even Help his Partners in Crime, Pay their Bail and The Like, No, Trump is Not  God, Just Like the devil, Trump  is A Coward, But Jesus is Giving And A Miracle Worker. Trump Only Cares About Himself!!!  The Real God said to Love Your Enemies ,But Trump Said that He Will , Hate Those Who Hate Him! Wake Up!  Or You Will Lose Your "Democracy," Democracy that Saids, that if You were Treated Unjustly that The Law Will Help You, or if Your Social Security Check Didn't  Come that We have People in Place who Can Take Care of That,.  But w/No Democracy, There Will Be No Voting, No Right to Remain Silence, and  If I Don't Like You, I Can Lock you Up for No Cause.  And if Your Social Security Check Don't Show Up, No Democracy Will Say, So What! Who Cares!  And People Stop Letting Folks Play that Age Game about Pres. Biden.  If My Grandmother is 90 Years Old and She Continues to Keep Food On My Table, Keep The Lights On, Pay the Bills and Take care of Me When I am Sick, Why Would I Put Her Away?  You Won't.  So, Pray For President Biden, Ask God to Help him, About Israel and Everything! and Stand on What God Said in 2nd Chronicle 7:14..."If My People Who Are Called By My Name, Will Humble Themselves, Seek "My" Face And Turn From Your Wicked Ways, Then Will I Hear From Heaven, and Then Will I  Heal Their Land"!   So Do it People and Do it Now! Repent, Seek God's Face, and Vote! For if You Don't, in Just a Few Months, The Continuing Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Will Become....A Nightmare!!!-So, Pray, Stand Up and Fight!!!!!


Friday, September 29, 2023

"WAKE UP PEOPLE..........WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" (Stop Letting The Haters Destroy You!)

 First of All, We are So Saddened about The Passing of Senator Diane Feinstein-Democrat-California.  Sen. Feinstein was A Fighter and She was The First Woman in The Senate, She Fought for Safe Gun Laws and was Part of The Banning of Assault Weapons. She Also Stood up For Women and For Civil Right. She Worked Word Hard and Cast Her Final Vote The Day Before She Died.  We Thank her for All of her Work. May God Bless Her Family.  Now, A Few Months Ago, I Tilted a Blog Entitled....    'Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!  There was Just Too Much to Say About The Low Life Racist Decision of he Supreme Court, Involving Affirmative Action and More, So I Just Left The Title as it was.  But I Also, Started The Fight that Legacy Should No Longer Be Used to Help Students get Admitted to College. Well Since then A Lot Has Happened.  Well, Let Me Sum it Up.  1. Former Pres. Trump has Now Been Indicted Four Times for Crimes in Stealing Classified Documents,Felonies in Voter Interference, Tax Fraud and Sexual Assault. 2. He Continues to Threaten The Judges, Prosecutors and Jurors have Been Threatened.  Trump Made The Statement that if You Come After Me, I'm Coming After You.  Listen, Why Don't You Say it to My Face!

Hear Me People, Donald Trump is A Coward and A Mob Boss Wanna Be.  He is Not God, And Never Will Be and He Has No Heaven or Hell to Give to You.  But The Real  God, Jesus Christ, Do Have A Hell to Put Trump in.  And Trump's So Called Followers, Wake Up, Trump Do Not  Care About You.  He is Using You, to Help With his Ego, and to Make You Pay his Legal Bills. And  Ms. Greene, You Wake Up, You Will Never Be Vice President of The United States.  and Definitely Not Under Trump.  See, You are Like The Naive College Girl ,Who Guys will Mess With and Use,..But They Will Never take you home to meet Momma, and When They are Done with You, They Willl Kick You To The Curb.  So Wake Up, Stop Being A Fool. Stop Allowing this Country to Get Shut Down Because Your Sugar Daddy Told You To. How Dare You Try to Impeach a President that have Done Nothing Just To Appease Trump, While People are About to Go Hungry and Homeless Because of A  Government Shut Down, HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!.  And Kevin McCarthy, Stop Being A Sugar Daddy Be A Man with Class and Integrity! .    And Let Me Warn YOU, You Better Run to Jesus Now and Repent and Go Home!  For God Has Had Enough!  And "He" Will Make Sure Himself., That Both of Your Seats Will Be Vacated Real Soon!!!!And Then, Sen. Menendez did just Like Trump,he Learned Nothing, When he got Caught The First Time. God gave You Another Chance but You Came Back and Did Worst.  Get Out!  And Santos, Pack Your Bags, Because No One Will Be Around to Save Your Behind!  Run......While You Can and Repent!

So People, Wake Up, These Hater Republicans Want to Destroy Your Democracy, Which is Your Right to Fair Reproductive Health, Your Right to Vote, Your Right to Love and Your Right to Breathe!!!! Wake Up, and Vote.  And Democrats, Stop Repeating those Negative things about Pres. Biden's Age. It is Just A Distraction.  He has Done More in One Year, Than Trump ( Who is Only 3 Years Younger  than Biden) Has Done in 4 Years!  Let Me End with This:,  If  I Have A 90 Year Old Great Grandmother Who is Still in her Right Mind, Pays All of her Bills, Keeps A Roof Over My Head and Makes Sure that I Eat Good Every Day, Why Would I Put her Away?!!  Wake Up, Wake Up Now, And One More Thing, How Dare Greene and The Republicans Pass A Amendment To Cut General Austin Salary to $1.00!  For If The Magga People Would Get Paid What they are Worth, I Propose A Payment of .99 Cents, For That is All that You Are  Worth.  You have Done Nothing, But Try to Do Vengeance for Donald Trump, You Have Helped Nobody, Helped Feed Nobody NOTHING!!! And Your People Want their Money Back Now!!!!!    Even Though The Shut Down is about to Be Avoided for Now, Without Money For Ukraine. Watch Out Republicans, Don't Turn Your Back on Ukraine and Righteousness!  So  People, Wake Up!  God is Not A Fool! And You Better Stop Acting Like One! For God's Pay Day is Coming!  So, Repent, Stand Up, Seek God's Face, Pray and Fight, Fight, Fight!!!
