Friday, July 5, 2024

"JUST SHUT UP !(Help Pres. Biden Win or Get Out of The Way!!!!)×

 Praise The Lord! I am Just going to get Straight to The Point.

Pres, Biden is in his 80's....Suprise!! Democrats & Others..What is Your Problem?! The People in Michigan, Georgia & Elsewhere are tired of You Whining! The President Who has Been Working Hard for You And Getting Things Done for These Last 3.5 Years, Studders, & Forget Some Things...Oh, Call The Mental Health Police!, & w/ All of his Issues, he has not Missed One Step As President. He Was Not Found Guilty of 34 Felonies, he did Not Rape Anybody, SHUT UP!! You see, You have Showed Your True Colors. You Are A Coward and Have no Loyalty.   & Spoiler Alert!, The Cat is Out of The Bag..You Are Not Worried About President Biden's Ability's, You are Worried About Losing "Your" Own Election! & Yes, Rashida & Team, You Have A Right to be Upset, But Stop,  Pray & Let Go of This Uncommitted Ballot Mess, You Will Not Hurt Biden, But You Will hurt Me, & Your Family When Trump Puts You Back on The Boat to Send You Back to Where he thinks that You Came From.  So to Keep Trump Out of The Whitehouse,  We All Must Come Together As One, Even if We Don't Always agree, For in Unity..We Have Power!!!! So Let Me  Close w/This, Say that You Have A Loving, Wonderful Grandmother. This Woman has Always Put Food on The Table,  Kept The Lights on & A Roof Over You & Your Kids Head. Well She is Now 92 Years Old, and other Than A Few Mis-Steps, She Still Does A Great Job Taking Care of You. ****So What Are going to do, Throw her Away or Love her & Help her to Help,You? So Grow Up People, Let President Biden Know that You Love him, and Let The Country Know that You are going to Work & Help him Do his Job, For If ."God" is Telling Pres. Biden to Be Still, Not Man or his Ego, Then Shut Up & Get Out of The Way!  God Has A Plan! Listen, We Can Do More Together than Apart! So, Don't Play Putin's & Kim Jon Um Propaganda's Election Game. Stand Up, Pray, Fight & Vote, Vote, Vote!!!!

Blessings PastorD

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