Monday, September 25, 2017


Greetings Everyone,
I know that it has been a while since you heard from me.  But it has been so Much going on,
that I had to Pray and Step back for a Minute. But  Now, it's September, 25th, 2017.
And It Is Time!    First of All:
We who are Called by The Name of Our Almighty Saviour  Jesus Christ, are Just as Much
Responsible for  #45 Being The President of The United States.  Maybe even more
than   Russia, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton's Mistakes and Those who sat their Behind
Down and did not Vote.  What did We do? We  did Not Seek God's Face.  We Stop Praying.
You see,  God had not heard from us in a Long time.  So, I Bet that.....
You got time  to talk to God Now Don't You!?   I have So Much  to say, So Now to Save time and
space I am just going to Outline Everything:
1. RUSSIA AND #45-Unless you have Some Serious Visual, Hearing and Mental Issues, it
should be very obvious what is going on. My 6 Year Old Granddaughter Candace could see from
 Day One, that #45 was in Hoots with Putin and Russia.  Putin has Something Big on him.  And if President Obama would have done a Centimeter of what Trump has Done, or Said, he would of been gone.  Michelle Obama could not have had her brother, or President Obama could not have had
his sister, No Where close to The Cabinet. And Steve..."God has got Something Waiting on You"...Bannon should  have Never been Any Where Near The Whitehouse.
Now, Kushner( #45"s Son'in Law) obviously have been using his Private email account to take
 care of Whitehouse Business. And they believe that his  Wife, Ivanka has done so as well.
Now, Put that with That Private Meeting with Russia Before the election and Other
things, and I am still Waiting for The Republicans to Yell that Famous Chant...."Lock Him Up!!"
2, DEMOCRATS, DON'T BE FOOLED..Trump is Not Your Friend, Chuck and Nancy.  Do Not
Let him Sneak in the back door and get Rid of Health Care for Millions of People.  I Keep Telling
You Guys....Don't Be Fooled By The Distractions. i.e. His Racist Bouts against Athletes using their
Platform to Fight Unjustice, Saying that he is getting rid of The Dreamers, or Acting Like a Ignorant
5 Year Old with North Korea, Putting Fear in Americas Heart. All so that We will Forget About How he is Guilty as Tomato Sauce for being in bed with Russia. And he wants us to be distracted from
finding  out that he is Not that Rich, and from a Whole Lot of other things.
Distractions, while Back Door Legislation against the poor gets passed and signed.  Distractions while Jeff Sessions tries to take Minorities Backward.. Yes, Many More Distractions.  But God has had Enough! So, Keep Praying Saints. Because just  like Dr. Jamal Bryant Recently Preached...
...."It's About to Go Down"!!!!  Do You Really think Republicans and Haters, that God is going to let you take away our Health Care?  Health Care from our Seniors and our babies?.....Uh?! Do You Really think that he is going to let you keep using his name to take away food from the poor? No...It's About to Go Down. And  I said it Before, Don't wait until The Jimmy Kimmel Syndrome Comes Down Your Street.  Because it Will if You Keep Hurting God's People!
FINALLY: YOU SO-CALLED RELIGIOUS RIGHT CHRISTIANS-I Have a Question for You...What God Do You Serve?!!!!  I  have heard You Religious Right Folk Tell Everybody that God has sent us a King in Donald Trump.  Yes, The Same man who is a Racist, Partners with White Supremacist, have a Long History of Housing Discrimination against Blacks and Minorities
 But Still he is God's Choice?...Really!?.  He Calls People Out of their name,
Make Fun of The Disabled, and Call Black Athletes Mother's SOB's But Still Somehow,
he is God's Chosen. But, You Called President Obama The Anti-Christ. And he couldn't even keep his own Pastor because he spoke the truth. So, How Dare You?
   And here You are, Twisting The Scriptures to Support that Lie.  The Word  of God, Backs Up, Global Warming and Climate Change in The Last Days, but You still want to Deny it, Because of who Saids that exist.  Yes,
You Pharisees  are part of what I call "The Noah Syndrome People".. They Laughed at Noah
when he Said that it was going to rain. They made fun of him, while he was building The Ark.  But
Oh My Goodness, when that Flood came,( When Hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose and Especially Maria
Came.  When The Earthquakes hit Mexico and New Mexico Twice in One Month), When The Earth is Totally Destroyed, You will be the Main Ones, Banging on he Door of The Ark Screaming.....Let Me In! So, #45 and All of Your Haters, What Kind of Fool Do You Think that We Are?.  For those of Us, Who have Learned that We Must Seek God's Face, 24/7, For those of us who have Realized that we Must Love One Another, Just as God Loves Us. Because We Have Repented and have Lifted Up
The Name of Jesus with Praise!. We Now have Greater Power.  We are Now Even More Empowered.
Now, We Know that We have The Victory.   And No Man, No Woman, Nobody is Going to Get in Our Way! And We are putting this Mess Under The Blood of Jesus!
 And when it All does come Down, When God Lets The Whole Truth Out, You will Not
be able to blame Mueller, CNN, MSNBC, and The Like.  No, You just need to Look at The Man in The Mirror. Something that Obviously You have Not done All of Your Life.  So, We Must Come
 Together, From All Races, And We Must Stand Together as One.  For We are  Nobody's
Fool!  But,Now  More than Ever Before, We Will Continue to Pray, Stand Up and Fight!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. People Wake Up, #45 is Using You. Do Not Let him and The Other Haters Distract You from what The Real NFL and Sports Protest is about. Racism, People of Color Unjustly dying at The hands of Bad Police. The Promotion of White Supremacy. People who Say that They are Patriots But People of Color Don't Belong. This is Not about The Flag and it is Not Against The Veterans Who fought. Some Athletes who are Protesting have Served. Has #45? Or Any of his Sons? Stop Letting him Make a Fool out of You.Distractions Folks. He Talk about Disrespect, but have Yet to
    Apologize for the way that he has DisRespected The Players Mothers and All Women. Let's Stand Together As One. And As Far as Athletes doing Their Job, The Last Time I Checked, The Game Doesn't Start Until The Whistle Blows!!
    Fed Up....But Fighting.
