Tax Care Bill. So Once again, They Have Said to All of The Low Income, Middle Class
Families, The Disabled and More......"SCREW YOU!!!!! People, Keep on Fighting.
Pray and Fight, More than Ever Before. Democrats Get Your Backbone Together or Get Out.
And I am going to Remind you again, Stop taking the Black and Brown People for Granted.
You See, All of these last elections that was won by the Democrats was won, because The
People, Not You, Got Out and Worked for Themselves. So, Wake Up!!
I will also like to Congratulate The 12 Republicans in The House that in the first and second
Vote Refused to Vote for this Bill. Especially Congressman Lee Zeldin from New York.
He Refused to let Paul Ryan intimidate him, and was determined to fight for the People
of New York who put him there....Kudos to You.
But to those who Voted for it, Especially ( "I Didn't Know that was in there")..Corker, and
("Let's Make a Deal") Collins..You and Your Colleagues are going to Pay Dearly. And I am Not
just talking about Politically. You See, Collins and Crew, You are like a Woman, who Finally
gave into her bosses Sexual advances and went to bed with him, even though you are married,
but then when you woke up in the morning, You have a Guilt and Sickness in your Gut, asking
Yourself.. "What Did I Do?" You see, God gave You Chance After Chance, Warning After Warning
for You Not to Do this. People Have Begged and Cried Right in Your Face, The Disabled
have been taken to Jail along with Clergy, But Because You and are Afraid of Your Donors, #45 and Not God, You went on and Voted on it Anyway. And You Will Pay.
So, How are you going to Enjoy this Christmas Season, with Your Family knowing that You have
Destroyed this Christmas and Beyond for Millions? How will you have Peace? You Sold Your
People out for a Legislative Promised....And You Know that McConnell Lied.....Can You
Spell..."Essau?!" Because You Sold Out! Congress, Pass Schip and Take Care of These Babies!
Do The Right Thing....Republicans!
Do The Right Thing....Republicans!
So People, Don't You Dare Give Up, But Pray More Fervently. Because Baby, It is Not
Over, It is Just Beginning! So On This Christmas Holiday, Everybody Pull Yourself Together
and Pray, Stand Up.....And Fight! Have a Blessed/Merry Christmas!
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