Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Good morning,
So on June 12th, 2018, Donald Trump had that meeting set up by Kim Jong Un.  Yes, Kim called the shots.  And we all know that if President Obama agreed to something like this, that All of the Republicans, White Evangelicals and Fox News would be having babies and would be sending Pres.Obama to Hell.
Just like they did when he first became president and just Discuss, Discussed The Possibilities of "Talking" with The Adversaries.  Trump has had a Love Affair with Putin and Now Kim.
And Here You are, Trying to Bite Your Lip so that you will not Criticize him.  You are a Bunch of Hypocrites, Racist Haters Hypocrites!  And on #46-1's way to this Summit or AKA..( The Big Distraction From The Truth that is About to Come Out!)........This Man Dogged Out Prime Minister Trudeau from Canada and All Canadians, who are Our Main Allies and My Family.  Yes, he talked about them because they Refused like the Other Allies of the G-7, to Kiss his Ring.
And on top of that, Trump was begging the G-7 Allies to Allow Russia to Come Back. (Yeah, You Sexually Abused  My 4 Year old Daughter, But You Can Come Back and Live with us Now...Because We are Cool!) Anyway, After he Treated his Allies badly, and had the nerve to get Angry because they stood up for themselves, Trump goes to Singapore and Play Nice, Nice and Kissy Kissy with The Leader from North Korea Who has Murdered Many Like Putin including his own Family.
Listen, Let me tell you what this is like:   This is like a Bully who will only pick on the boy who he Thinks that he can beat. But Will not touch the one who he knows will Whip his Behind. Or let me explain it like this.  This is like a Domestic Violent Wife Beater who has No Problem Slapping around his Wife, but when he has to meet Head to Toe with a Real Man he will Say..."Hey Man, it's Cool, Can't We Just Talks about it?"....Yes, Trump is a Bully and a Coward!  And None of this Stuff is Funny.  This is Serious! And This man with his Racist, Insecure Bullying Issues can Cost many in this Country and Troops Over Seas Their Lives.  Wake Up!  ****And a Note to The Media- MSNBC, CNN and The Like.  Stop giving Donald Trump a Pass. When You Know that he has Told a Lie to You and to The American People, Stop him! Come Right back at him with The Truth ( A Proven Fact) Right then and there.  Do Not Wait to talk about it when you are Comfortably back in The Studio.( Now there have been Some White House Reporters who have Done that.  And To You We Say Thank You.)  **And Listen, When You Talk about Leaks?...We Pretty Much Know, That Mr. Trump is The Leak. He is The Biggest Leaker...Wake Up! Can You Spell "Deep Throat" from Watergate? Uh?.......Wake Up!
So as I Close, Let's Discuss "The Just Supposes", What Do you Suppose Happened when Kim and Trump Met Privately?..Um?! ...( Because we all know that This So Called Document Agreement is a Joke)....No, What Really Happened?   Well,  Please Seriously Think on these Things:
1. Did Kim Jong Compliment Trump? You know, did he  say that he liked his hair and the size of his Hands?
2. Did Kim Offer Trump Some Land that Trump eluded to on The Beach so that he could build another Hotel if he Played Nice, Nice?
3. Or Is is This?: Did Kim Jong Un tell Trump that I Know what Vladimir Putin Have on You and I Want a Piece of The Action?   So, You Do what I Say or I will Tell?...Uh? Did he? And I am Really Concerned about that last One.  How Much is it going to Cost this Country with Folks Lives because Trump is Being Blackmailed about his Many Sins?  And I am not just talking about Sex, No, What They have on Trump, is Way.................................More Bigger than Sex!!! And This is Very, Very Dangerous. and he has Got to Go!  Well, to All of You Republicans and a Couple of Democrats that will Not Speak up because Trump has Something on You Too,  To Mr. Paul Ryan, who Tried to find a Spine but got
Persecuted by those Same Republicans.  To All of You White Evangelicals that keep Using The Bible, Twisting the Words to Justify The Wrong of this President...Listen Up.....Breaking News!
The Truth, The Real Truth, God's Truth is About to Come Out!  For God has had Enough of How You have been Treating The Poor, The Hispanics, Muslims, Jews and Blacks. And He Definitely has Had Enough of How You have Done these Immigrant Children, Snatching Them away from Their Parents Putting them in a Cage or in a Room where they are Treated Less than a Dog.. ( But again, Trump did call People from These Countries Animals.).. (You know it Reminds me of How They Sandwiched, Men, Women and Black Children on those Ships When They Bought Us Over To This Country).   Yes! He has Had Enough of This "On his Way Out".. DOJ trying to Legalize This Hate.  So Baby, The Truth is Coming Out Now, And I am Not Talking about Robert Mueller's Investigation.  No, Hear Me Now.....This Truth Will Come Out "Before" Mueller is Done. And When God Moves, that is It. You Cannot Threaten His Truth, Call His Truth Fake News or Murder His Truth, Calling it a Suicide. No, This is it!!!! And When it Comes,  All of Us, Jews Gentiles, Blacks, White's,The  Saved, Non Saved, Rich or Poor......All of Us, Better Fall Down Before God and Repent, I Mean Lament Before God, Because You are About to Realize Just How Close We in this Country had Come To a Dangerous Disaster, All Because Some Republicans and these So Called Religious Leaders Chose to Turn their Backs on Us, and Closed Their Eyes to The Awful Truth of what This President Has Been Doing. And To You....The Blood is On Your Hands! Yes, Mr. Trump....The Love Story is Over! So People, While We Wait for This Truth, While We Wait for this Giant Devastating Boot to Drop,  Let's Get Out and Get Registered and Vote.  Support Our Young People Like The Activist Students from Parkland, Santa Fe and More, Who has had Enough of Our Congress Taking Blood Money from The NRA.  Walk with those Who had Enough of Racism in The Workplace and Where We Shop and Eat.  Stand with those who were Unjustly Killed by The Police. Yes, Let's Come Together as One...And As You Do This Vote,  Pray....Stand Up.....And Fight...Fight..Fight!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goodness! Media, Congress, Wake Up and Find Out Why Trump is All of Sudden All Lovie Dubby with a Killer Like Kim Jong Un Something Smells. And it Could Be Very Dangerous for This Country! Look at The "Suppose" Question in this Article. Especially Number #3. And Keep Your Eyes Open for Distractions. That Whole Summit Was a Distraction. And Leaks??...Wake Up! Trump is The Leaker! And Media...Stop Letting Trump Lie Straight To Your Face, and to The Faces of The American People!
