Saturday, June 20, 2015


On the  Wednesday Evening, of June 17th, 2015, the members of Emanuel African
Methodist Episcopal Church did what they usually did, they came together to  Praise God,
Pray and Study God's Word. And then satan dressed as a 21 year old white young man
walked in. And after sitting for a hour, listening to singing and  praying, this young angel
of satan, who was named at birth...  Dylann "Storm" Roof, started shooting,  killing nine people,
leaving one alive to be a witness of the shooting. Also, left alive was a
 little 5 year old girl whose  Grandmother had the Wisdom of The Holy Ghost
 to tell her granddaughter to pretend like she was dead.
   Well, at one time, it appeared  that the devil was beginning to lose his grip on
this young man, as the spirit of Love was overwhelming him. But because he had
such a deep hate and a mission to complete, he listened to the devils voice and proceeded anyway.

   But as painful as this all is, and as many questions that I can imagine some folk
would like to ask God about this Massacre, Please Know this, that God is saying, No...
uh, uh!...Not in My House!!..Vengeance is Mines..."I" Will Repay!!!
And to young Dylann, I Pray for your soul. I am thankful that God did not let you die or
kill yourself because as of this moment,  your soul is not ready and it would have
rotted in hell......and Yes...hell is Real!. I am sorry for who might of hurt you in your life.
I am sorry that even as a child that someone made you feel like you were not
worth the time of day.  But God Loves You. And Right now, You Need to Repent
and accept Jesus as Your Personal Saviour. Do not let your Hurtful Childhood, and the
devil get the victory over Your Life. Stop believing the Lies...While you have the chance!!!!
    And to these Families of the Nine victims, Oh My Goodness,  my heart is so hurt With you.
But at the same time, it hurts with a sense of healing, as I hear you forgive this young man Dylann, even through your pain.  So we will continue to pray for you. And I know that you
know, that God and  His Holy Ghost will hold you and keep you, like No One Else Can!!

    So, what do we do now?   Well, for one thing we must keep on Praying,
 Keep on Praising God, and if you were not doing it before, we must Work and Fight
for the Sake of Jesus Christ and His People, like Never Before!
The church that I pastor and have founded just happened to be a A.M.E. Church because
that is the church that I grew up in.   But it doesn't matter, This would have tore me up, just as well
 if it had happened in a  Baptist Church,  Apostolic, Lutheran and the like.  The Main issue is, that this was a attack on people young and old...preachers and lay.
 This was an attack on God...and God's People!
And if we are not  being for real with God and are not putting our War Clothes on...In Jesus
and in God's Love...It is going to get worst. You see, for too long, we in this country,
  have took for granted the freedom of going in and out of the church, and worshipping God
without a threat.  We heard  about it...."Over There" in India..etc.
 But as I warned the church for years, this too can happen to us here.
And then we will see who is serving this God for Real, and who is Just going to Church.
Because this is Real, God is Real, and the need to Repent and accept Jesus as Your
Personal Saviour...Is Real. And For Real, We are in The Last of The Last Days.  And I want
to Thank my Colleagues in Dearborn, Michigan who come from The Lutheran Church,
Polish Catholic, Presbyterian, Muslim and the like, who have Stopped and Prayed and
Cried with Me. As well as my A.M.E. Family and colleagues as we work to hold each other up.
So, while God is Saying...Not in My House...Let's make sure that Our Houses, (Our
Body, Spirit, Homes and Churches are Clean and in order.)
And let's not get this Twisted...This was a Racial, Hateful Act. And this was  Terrorism,
Spiritual Terrorism.   You see, Jim Crow, The Grand Wizard of The KKK, and others
have Cousins, nephews  and nieces, and they are out here.
 And No it did not start with the election of President Obama.
It didn't start with the killing of Trayvon Martin, nor did it get
started with the bombing of those four young girls in that church
in Birmingham Alabama that Sunday. That hateful crew..have always been here.
And they are determined to win. But Victory is Mines...Saith The Lord!
Years ago, there was an old song that said..."Don't Mess With Bill"...Well I say, Don't
Mess with God's People. For the word of God said to "Touch not my Anointed
and do my Profits No Harm"
So, with a Clean and Repented  Heart, Let's do like my colleague
said the other day, do what God said in 2nd Chronicles 7:14.....
Repent, Turn from Your Wicked ways, Be Humble, Pray  and Seek God's Face,
and then God will Move on our behalf.  He will move on our
behalf  as a Church and as a Nation.  And so, with His
Power backing you up,  you can say to that enemy that is in your Life.......No, Uh, uh..."Not
In My House!"

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