Monday, December 25, 2017


Merry/Blessed "Christ"mas"!
This is December 25th, 2017. And this is the day that I and My Family Celebrate Jesus
coming into this Earth for All of Us. So, I Will Not Waste My Time Talking about #45
Celebrating being Rich at Mar-A- Lago, Or The Republicans who did Vote on The Tax bill
Hurting their Families at Home who Cannot Enjoy This Christmas Like they Want, Because
they are in Fear of Losing Their Health Insurance, Social Security and Other Benefits..
 Nor will I Waste My time repeating how it is a Disgrace that The People in Puerto Rico
 and even The Virgin Islands Cannot have a Decent Christmas, because Most of them
 are still in the dark. And Many have died and Babies are Suffering, Yes, Suffering
All The While, #45 and You Low Down Republicans are Carving Your Turkey and Filling
Your Belly's  Up With Greed.  No, I Won't Do That.

  But I Pray Jesus and His Blood Over All of You.  I Pray that Those Who are in Need and Who
Sincerely Trust in God, Shall Have Their Needs Met and Be Empowered in Jesus. But to The
Rest of You, who Refuse to Love and Refuse to Serve God, You Better get Some Where  and
Repent Real.....Quick! Because Pay Day is Coming!

The Book of Acts show God's Servants being Reminded that Jesus said that "It is More Blessed
to Give than to Receive" This Whitehouse and Congress have Been Takers, Not Givers,
But God is Speaking.  He has had Enough of His Children Being, Abused, Hated and Disrespected
because of their Color or their Gender.  Learn The Lesson of Giving to The Poor and to The Widow.
These are Not Handouts.No, This is a Demand From God. See, They Don't Want a Hand Out, That's what the Congress and Rich are Receiving. No, The Middle Class, The Poor, The People on Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and Who are Receiving Social Funding, Just Want Some Respect
and a Hand Up!

So, on This Christmas Day, People Don't Be Scared of Goliath, Just Like David, God
has Given You Authority Over him.  And Goliath and Friends Have No Heaven or Hell to
Give You. So as You do Your Best to Spend time  with Family, Worship God and Have
a Decent Meal On This Christmas Day of 2017, Remember Whose You are, and Who
You Belong to. And Pray, Stand Up......And Fight!!!!!!
Have a Blessed Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Well, They Did it! The U.S. House and Senate has Passed that Low Down, Devastating
Tax Care Bill. So Once again, They Have Said to All of The Low Income, Middle Class
Families, The Disabled and More......"SCREW YOU!!!!!    People, Keep  on Fighting.  
Pray and Fight, More than Ever Before. Democrats Get Your Backbone Together or Get Out.
And I am going to Remind you again, Stop taking the Black and Brown People for Granted. 
You See, All of these last elections that was won by the Democrats was won,  because The
People, Not You, Got Out and Worked for Themselves. So, Wake Up!!
I will also like to Congratulate The 12 Republicans in The House that in the first and second 
Vote Refused to Vote for this Bill. Especially Congressman Lee Zeldin from New York.
He Refused to let Paul Ryan intimidate him, and was determined to fight for the People 
of New York who put him there....Kudos to You. 

  But to those who Voted for it, Especially ( "I Didn't Know that was in there")..Corker, and 
("Let's Make a Deal") Collins..You and Your Colleagues are going to Pay Dearly.  And I am Not 
just talking about  Politically.  You See, Collins and Crew, You are like a Woman, who Finally
gave into her bosses Sexual advances and went to bed with him, even though you are married,
but then when you woke up in the morning, You have a Guilt and Sickness in your Gut, asking 
Yourself.. "What Did I Do?"  You see, God gave You Chance After Chance, Warning After Warning
for You Not to Do this. People Have Begged and Cried Right in Your Face, The Disabled
have been taken to Jail along with Clergy,  But Because You and are Afraid of Your Donors, #45 and Not God, You went on and Voted on it Anyway.  And You Will Pay.

  So, How are you going to Enjoy this Christmas Season, with Your Family knowing that You have 
Destroyed this Christmas and Beyond for Millions?  How will you have Peace? You Sold Your 
People out for a Legislative Promised....And You Know that McConnell Lied.....Can You 
Spell..."Essau?!" Because You Sold Out! Congress, Pass Schip and Take Care of These Babies!
Do The Right Thing....Republicans!
So People, Don't You Dare Give Up, But Pray More Fervently. Because Baby, It is Not 
Over, It is Just Beginning! So On This Christmas Holiday, Everybody Pull Yourself Together 
and Pray, Stand Up.....And Fight!  Have a Blessed/Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 15, 2017

"SCREW... YOU!!!!"

First of All..Congratulations Doug Jones, and Go Ahead Alabama!...Please Continue to
Come Together as One and Fight!!
It is the Late Evening of Friday, December 15th, 2017. It's about 11:00pm. And The Deadline
for Registering for The Affordable Health Care will Expire in about 59 Minutes. Please Hurry up
and Sign up.  I Applaud All of you who like Myself, Worked Hard to get the Word Out.  If it
was up to Mr. Trump, No one would of Never knew when the Deadline was.
Now, About The Republicans and this Over One Thousand Page Tax Cut Bill. A Bill that You
have Never Read.  You are a Disgrace!!!! Did You Sign The Papers at The Closing of Your House
and Not Read None of Those  Many Pages? Did You Take Out a Life Insurance Policy or an
 Investment without Checking out All of The Facts?..Uh?! No?! Then Why would you Not Read a bill, that involves Millions of Americans who Count on You?...Uh!? And to those who Wimped Out and gave in and Changed Your Vote....Your Day is Coming.  You see, it wasn't because of Integrity or Moral Values that you changed Your Mind, it was to Satisfy Your Own Needs and Wants.
So to The Majority of Americans who are Against this bill, To The Thousands of People who put
their Life on the line by going to The Capitol to Protest, and to Protest in The Streets, To All of us Who Pay their Salaries and of Whom They are suppose to be Working for, Listen Up, Corker, Collins and The Rest of The Gang has Now Said to You Right in Your Face....."Screw You"!  They Care Less about Your Cries, For They have Proven Once again,that it's All about them Holding
on to their Walking Around Money....Blood Money that they get from their Donors. And if this bill
 do Pass, When they get home to Their District, (In Peace and Divine Order).. Do Not  give them a
 Moments Peace. Fight and  Do Not Give Up!  And  My Heart and The Heart of Millions of
others is Heavy, Heavy  more so due to The Dismantling of The Insurance Mandate. Because We
Know that it  will Cause, Millions to Lose Insurance, Millions!!! And that is going to be The
Medical Blood that will be on your Hands.  First of All the ACA, Should have Never been in this
bill and You Know it.  When You go home at Night and Look at Yourself in the Mirror, What Lie
Will you tell yourself to Justify The Rotten Low Down Thing that You have Done.  Again,
Your Day is Coming.  You Turned Your Ears Against the Cry of The Poor, and Now You are
About to Cry...And No One, including God Will Hear Your Cry...God Will Not Be Mocked!
Just Like The Democrats Asking Al Franken to Resign, ( Which A Lot of Us Was Against),
You did not call for his Resignation for Moral Reasons, No, it was only to save Your Political Behind
just in case that Racist, Pedophile Roy Moore Won in Alabama. Al Franken You should of stayed
and Made them put you through Due Process as You Requested, and then  Repent to God for Yourself.

    Finally: All of a Sudden More Republicans are coming out to attack Bob Mueller, and are
asking for his Resignation.....What's Up with That?!!!!!  I''m Sorry, it Looks like You are
either Scared of Donald Trump because just Maybe he is Forcing you to do this, or at The
End of  The Day, You are Scared of What Bob Mueller is going to find out about You!. Because
We All Know that there is No Grounds for you to ask Mueller to Step Aside. And Now,
Donald Trump#1 is going After The F.B.I. Even after Donald Trump #2 Said that they
Were Great Men... We Just Never Know which Donald Trump that we will get each Day...
And This is Dangerous!!!! Wake Up Folks, This Man has Got to Go.  Not Mueller, But, #45
Has Got To Go!! And he should Take Pence and  his Lying Self With Him!!!! And to This Congress,
Especially You Greedy, Hateful Selfish Republicans, Pack Your Bags, Because from This Day
to 2018 and Beyond, You are Out. No Need to try to Sell Your Soul to Appease
Your Donors. Because You are  Going to Be Put Out, See,There will Be No Need
for Your Donors to Give You No Money, because You Won't have a Job. That's Right..
You are ....Out, Out, Out!!!!!
So, I End with this, Continue to Fight. God is in Control.  No Matter what Sell Out
Agreement the Congress has Come up With, God has His Own Plans....So Pray, Pray and
Stay in God's Face. No One Should Not Lose their Insurance. Just like We Should Not
have To Fight for Schip, Every Other Year( I have Personally Fought Constantly for This)..  These are Our Children.....Their Insurance should Be Permanent! Don't Let Them.."Screw You"!,
 But,  Keep Calling Your Congress Persons and  Keep Marching. So Together
As One, Let's Pray, Stand Up....And Fight!!!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

"EXCUSE ME...DID YOU FORGET TO SAY..THANK YOU?!" ( Happy/Blessed Thanksgiving!)

In The Story of The Ten Lepers who were healed by Jesus, Only One had The Gratitude
to come back and Give Jesus Praise for his Healing. You know, I can Only Imagine Jesus
saying to the other Nine...."Excuse Me....Did You Forget to Say..Thank You?!"
Well, The Other Nine probably went away and Partied After they went and showed themselves
to The Priest to have their Cleansing Confirmed. But to The One who did Return to give Jesus
Thanks.. he was not just Healed but he was made Whole....******Okay, Let's Put a Pen
in this for a minute.  Now, Look at The Contrast between Jesus ( God in The Flesh, Ruler Over All of Us)...And #45 Donald Trump, The Make Shift President of The United States. Those Nine Lepers
may not of showed Jesus enough Appreciation, But Jesus did not Go and
get his Twitter Account, and call
them and their Father's  Out by calling them a Fool.  Jesus did not say...Well, Look at those Ungrateful Negroes.. I Should of Let them be Stuck with Leprosy.
 No, he just let them go about their way, and maybe realize that they missed out on being Whole and Not Just Healed.  You see, Jesus Loves, He had The Love of God in Him.
 You see, There was No Ego and there was No Racism. Jesus was Not
So Insecure that He had to Put Folk Down just to Be Lifted Up.  Now if God in the Flesh
could do that, Who in the heck is Mr. Donald Trump?!  And by the way, Those Three Young
Athletes, Did say that they were sorry and they did say..Thank You****.
So, let me leave this word with you. With All that We are going through right now, Racism in
The White house and The Court House, Sexual Misconduct in Washington DC, Our House and
in The Church House,...( Which Must Stop Now!)..Health and Financial Problems and our Own
Personal Situations, with All of this that is going on, Let's make sure that Jesus Never has to say
to Us...."Excuse Me...Did You Forget to say....Thank You?!" You See, We have Work to do
and We All  Must Praise God Every Chance that we can in These Last Days. So, Please Have
a Blessed, Safe, God Praising Enjoyable Thanksgiving!  Continue to Be Aware of The Distractions.  And Never Stop Praying, Standing Up. And Never Stop Fighting!
From-New St. John A.M..E. Church-Dearborn.
 And Blessings  From

Saturday, November 11, 2017

"LOVE AND APPRECIATION....IS PRICELESS!-(A Message for Veterans Day.)

Happy/Blessed Veterans Day to All Veterans! The Ones at Home, and The Ones who are Out
in Harms Way.  People, Please take the time to do something Nice or say a Nice Word to a Veteran
Today. You see, these Men and Women have put Their Life on The Line for a Country who
Barely Appreciates Them.....Especially Those Soldiers of Color.  Yes, They Know The Hurt.
They know The Hurt of Homelessness, Broken Marriages, Physical and Emotional Damage.
And They Know The Hurt of Friendly Fire, Friendly Fire that was Not Always So Friendly.
Country, Congress, We Must do Better.  Because They Deserve Better. Whether They Fought in a
War, or Sat at a Desk Doing Intelligence... They Deserve Better!  So Veterans of Old and of New,We
Salute You.  And on This Day, We Offer You God's Love, God's Peace, and Healing that can
Only come from Jesus Christ.  Have a Blessed Day!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Good Morning, Praise The Lord!  You Go Virginia!  The Democrats did a Clean Sweep.
We got The Governor, Lt. Governor, and The Attorney General.  I am Proud of You Virginians You
Woke Up Got Up, and Refused to be Intimidated.  Go Ahead New Jersey, and Ashley!... You Have
had Enough of The Chris Christie's of The World and You Spoke with Your Vote!  Yes,
People of All States Came Out and Used The Power of Their Vote, Yes, I Praise God for that.
But Please Excuse me While I Properly say the following With Dignity........"In Your Face Trump!!"
People are Tired of The Rhetoric, The Racism and The Hate.  And Republicans, You Better get
Some Backbone and Get Tired of The Bullying from #45. Again, like I tell The Democrats,
Wake Up, You Work for Us....Not Trump, The NRA or Anybody Else, Roll Up Your Sleeves,
Turn Down that Blood Money and Fight.  Fight for All of Us or.......Get Out!!  Because We are
coming After You in 2018. And This Message goes Double for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
Now Democrats, Don't make the mistake like you did in 2010 by Getting  The Big Head and Relaxing. No, You Must Continue To Pray and Fight.....Every Single Day.
 And Speaking of Getting The Big Head.......Excuse Me One More Time While I Say....
...."In Your Face..Steve Bannon!!!
So, People Continue to Spread The Word, Know The Issues and Vote,
And Locally, Let Me Praise God for The Results in Dearborn, Michigan where Mayor O'Reilly
Won Re-Election inspite of The Hateful Schemes his Opponent Tafelski Tried. ( Our Church is
( In Dearborn).. And to Mayor Karen Weaver in Flint.  Every since she took over as Mayor dealing
with The Deadly Water Crisis, She had to Deal with Folks working for Gov.Snyder who kept
Trying to Shut her up, and had to deal with Haters from her Own Council.  They Tried to Recall her Yesterday, but it Didn't Work. Thanks Jesse Jackson.  Health Care Spoke
Yesterday, The People Said, Leave My Health Care ( Obama Care) Alone.Tweak What
Needs to Be Tweaked.  But Do Not Touch Me and  My Children's Heath Care.
So, The State of Maine, Proud of You .  You see, When You Serve God...(For Real)...Even though you make Mistakes.....No Weapon that is Formed against You Shall Prosper.
    Now #45, you are still on your 12 Day Trip.  Yes, You Tried to Play Down Your Losses but Face
The Reality, Folk are Tired of You.  And Maybe We Should be Thanking You. For because You
are Such a Hateful, Racist, Incompetent President who's Mental Illness Scares The Charlie Brown Out of Most People in Our Country...Because of that and God...The People Had a Mind to Work!!!
And even speaking to South Korea, You Continued The Lies.  You Bragged
about Yesterday being The Anniversary of  Your Non-Election. Well Many of Us, Cried
and Were Angry that Night.  But Last Night, Gave us Just a Little Something to Smile about
in spite of  November, 2016, Being Your Great Night.  We were able to  Grab on to Some Hope for Our Future.  So Folks, Keep On Fighting.
Brown, Black and White, Women, Men, Democrats, Independents and Republicans, Let's
Continue to Come Together as One. One in Peace and One in Love. For We Shall Have The Victory!
God said...If My People Who are Called by My Name, Will Pray, Seek My Face, and Turn From
Their Wicked Ways, Then....I Will Hear From Heaven, And Then, I Will Heal Their Land.
So,Charlotte North Carolina, Congratulations!  Keep on Turning, You Go Ahead, St. Paul Minnesota,
Keep On Turning, And Atlanta, Georgia, Don't You Dare Give Up...We are Fighting With You.
And Keep On Turning!!! Every City, County and State in This Country, Put on The Full Armour of
God and Keep On Turning.  And While You are Turning We will Continue to Pray, Stand Up
and Fight!

Monday, November 6, 2017


Good Morning, and Wake Up!-First of All My Prayers go out to The Family and Victims of The First Baptist Church of Sutherland, Texas.
 You Know, We tell our kids to go to Church. But we Do Not Expect for them to get Killed There.
I hear that Half of The Victims were Children. A 18 Month Old Baby is among The Dead, ( The 5 (Year Old is Recovering from Surgery...Praise God!).  And They Died by the hands of a Young Man that Probably needed to get help a Long time ago. On Our Prayer Line this Morning, The Pastor Talked about how The Word saids to Love Our Neighbor as Thyself, But Unfortunately, too Many People Do Not Love Themselves. Love.....People are Looking for Love.
And are going at it The Wrong Way.
Are You Still Sleep?  What is it going to Take to Have Good Gun Control?
What are You waiting on.?  NRA, Congress, The Blood is On Your Hands!
It has been reported that Because of Military and other
Previous issues, that this 26 year old man should of Never had been able to
get  a Gun.  But We are Tired of this. We are Tired of Finding out, what Was Wrong or
should not have happened."After"The Fact. And I Pray a Special Prayer for The Pastor and First Lady of this Church. They Lost their 14 Year Old Adopted Daughter. She was Still at Church even though her Parents had Business for The Church Elsewhere.

DEMOCRATS-SHUT UP AND WORK!-Okay, so Donna Brazile told a lot of Truths about
what was going on in the Democrat National Committee. And Yes, it Showed that You were not All
on the same page.  And Yes maybe the wheel did lean a little more away from Bernie Sanders.
But it is Over... Shut Up and Do Your Job!. A House Divided Cannot Stand.  And if You were this Divided in 2016, No Wonder that God Allowed Russia to Hack Your System and Allowed Mr. Trump
to Win. Your Division made it Easy for the devil to do his dirt. And Listen, Regardless of all that
was done..Bernie Sanders was Not going to Win anyway. So, Stop Pointing Fingers and Yelling
Should of, Would of, and Could of 's.  There are a Lot of Elections Tomorrow-11-7-2017. And You Need to be Concentrating on that and 2018.  Once again, You are Falling into the Sleep of
"Distractions".....Wake Up, Democrats and get Your War Clothes on.  Fight for Us and Not Each
Other, That is What We The People Hired You For. And if You cannot do the job, there are Plenty
of Folks Who Can Take Yours!

Well Mr. Trump, You are on a 12 Day Trip in Asia. Your Comments about The Shooting 
Last Night, was Decent, but had No Passion.  You Brought up that this man was Mentally 
Ill. Make No Mistake, Mentally Illness Does not Replace that We Must Fix these Gun Laws
Now....So You and The NRA...Better Not Try it.  We are Not going to Put up with it!
Once again, You have Treated this Shooting Different than The Shooting in Las Vegas,& The Killing in Charlottesville  from The Killing with The Truck in New York.  Why?
Because The Other Shooters/Killers  were not Brown or Muslim  Yes, Your True Hatred and Racism Continues to Shine through. This too is Terrorism , Call it what it is. In The Dictionary, Next to Terrorism, it Does not have a Picture of a Muslim.  Terrorism is Terror, Period....Stop it!
Back Home, besides this Awful Shooting You have Big Troubles.  And You Need to Seek God 
in a Hurry. You Need to Throw Yourself To God's Throne, and Repent.  See Your Biggest 
Problem is Not Mueller and This investigation, You See, God's Truth is about to 
Come Out. So, Your Biggest Problem is Jesus Christ and Whether You are going to Spend 
Eternity with Him or the devil.  It's Like this, You can Lie to Everybody Else and Call The 
 True Press, Fake News, But You Cannot Lie to Him.....So Wake Up!
And You, Mr. Trump, Have Some Very Serious Mental Problems Yourself.  Put The Twitter Phone Down and Get Some Help!!!!!
So, The Religious Right, The Democratic Party, Donald Trump and Friends, You Better All Wake Up. We are in the Last Days and All of Our Souls are Required of Us.
Congress,  You also have a Job to do, and that is to Fight for The People Who You Serve. For We are Holding  You Responsible. 
 And in The Name of Jesus, Those Who Know The Lord Jesus Christ for 
Real, and who have the Love of God in Our Hearts for "All" People, We Will Continue to 
Pray, Stand Up.....And Fight!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Good afternoon Everyone,
Please Excuse me,I had to  Pray and take a Deep Breath after that Unemphatic, Phone call and Tweet
to a Young Pregnant Widow of a Fallen Soldier by the name of Sgt. LA David Johnson. And who did all of these things?......It was a Man who Plays a President on Twitter and on TV....Mr. Donald Trump.( By The Way, None of These Distractions that you are doing #45, Will Stop The Truth from
(Coming out about what Really Happened to Those Four Solders.  All Truth Will Come Out!!)
He called a Congresswoman Wacky...Talk about The Mental Hospital Calling The Kettle, Crazy!
And I am sorry, but this just goes to show once again that he has No Respect for Women, especially
Black Women. But let's Not forget how he has also dis respected Sen. John McCain, Sen. Coker
and a Gold Star Family (Muslim) Called The Khan Family.  This man has No Integrity, He has
No Heart.  Kudos to Former President George W. Bush who also spoke the truth about how dangerous this President's,  Hatred, and Mental Incompetence is for this Country. And as Always,
Pres. Obama will Never have a Lack of Speaking the truth, Thanks.  Now, Sen.Jeff Flake has had enough.  No one who signed up to make a difference in this country to help All Citizens
Should have to Worry about their job being on the Line, just  Because What you say or do, can make
a President...(A Man or Woman.)..A Leader in a Democracy Mad.....Nobody!.

So, Let me say this to All of You Weak Republicans, and some Democrats....Wake Up!
Get Your Mouth Out of this President's Behind, and Wake Up!  My son who is also a Pastor
has been saying for months now, that Paul Ryan is going to make his kids ashame of him, when
History Shows that their Own Dad had No Integrity, Back Bone or Character. That he Lost his
Integrity trying to go along with things that will eventually hurt them and their Friends.  And that is what Sen. Flake was talking about. How can You All Face Your Children, Grandchildren, God and
Yourself?!  You are Wrong!  You are trying to Gain The World, (Your Sit) and Lose Your Own Soul.
Because at the end of the day, when you do not stand up and do right, you may end up Losing that
seat anyway. God is Tired of This Mess.(Hurting Folks, Babies and The Like) Just to get along.
You see, God is using, McCain, Corker, Flake and a few others. You see, he is giving you a way to Escape And he is saying that Now is The Time to Do The Right Thing, or Pay...Pay The Price! And
 Again, All of You Work for Us. **(And Democrats..Get Your Mind off of 2020 and On 2018..Now!)
Now Sen.  McConnell, You look So Sorry and Pitiful trying to get along with a Man
that you know that You Do Not Respect.  And We Can see it,  This Cannot Be Healthy. So, Both You and Your Wife Need to Quickly Pray, and Run...Run The Other way as Far as You Can!!Just  Who are You Afraid of?...#45?, Steve Bannon? They are Not God and They  Have No Heaven or Hell to Give You.  As a Matter of Fact, They Too are going to have to Face God for Themselves...Real Soon!
So, Get Your Houses in Order...Now!!!!!!  And Once again, Those Who have Turned from Their Wicked Ways and who Really Love God and ALL....of His People, Please, Please Continue to Pray, Stand Up and......Fight!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"ARE YOU...SERIOUS?!..( The Mouth of Donald Trump....More Mental Issues Manifested)

Good Morning,
It is Wednesday, October 18th, 2017. And Yet again, #45 has proven that the men in the White
Coats need to come and get him.  ( I will try to be Brief)

First of All, I want to honor The Following Soldiers Who it has seemed had been forgotten:
1. U. S. Army-Staff Sgt's-Bryan C. Black, 2-Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson, 3.Sgt. Dustin M. Wright,
 And 4.Sgt. La David T. Johnson. May God Bless Your Sacrifice and Your Work. May You Never Be
Forgotten.  And May God Hold The Parents and Spouses who Really Needs Our Love and
Respect.  May God Hold You and Love You, Like No One Else Can.
These Men were Stationed in Niger in West Africa.  This was not suppose to be a High Danger
Zone. They say that they were ambushed by Islamic Extremist.  But I want Everyone to
Call on an Investigation Now.  What Really Happened? Too Many times we hear later after one
of these deaths that it was actually Friendly Fire.  Which Really turns out Not to Be So Friendly.
No, We Want this Thoroughly Investigated. And I am asking each Congressional Representatives
from each Respective State to Ask for this Investigation. It Took Two Weeks for #45 to say anything about these Young Men.  In The Meantime, he golfed, and continued to try to run The NFL, telling them to Fire All of The SOB's Who takes a Knee. I Guess that Niger, wasn't important Enough to This White house. **Please Note:  We have Men and Women All Over The World, and They All
Need to be Recognized!
Now, No one knows but God and these Families just how painful something like this is.
So how dare #45 supposedly tell Sgt. La David's Wife.."That He should of Known What he was
Getting into.. But it Still hurts" This man has No Empathy, It's All abut Him. He  Probably Can't Give
any Empathy because he Was Never given any Empathy as a Child.Yes, that Statement came from a Man, Who used his Money to get out of any Military Service. And Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, Continue to Stand Your Ground.  Thanks for Standing with Mrs. Johnson and The Family.

And #45, How Dare You! How Dare You!  You talk about Football Players
and The Like, Disrespecting The Flag and The Veterans, When in Fact, You are
the one who is and has been Disrespecting them.  And Between You Threatening a Terminally Ill Veteran Senator by The Name of Sen. John McCain. And Between Your Continue Lies,
 this time  Against President Obama and Pres. Bush, saying that they did not call Gold Star Families. And Between Not Knowing which Donald Trump will show up  at The Mic from Day to Day,
it is more evident that what we have known is True.  And that is the fact that You,  Donald Trump
 are Seriously Mentally Unstable!  And Congress, You Better Do Your Job and Get Pres. Trump
 Out of The White House..... Now!
  And Listen...Pence has got to go as Well.  Don't be fooled by his Quiet Demeanor.  Just like
My kids say...Pence is just like Trump if  not Worst, the difference is, He Is Medicated.
And he has Strange Ideologies, that is Worst than Sarah Palin and Former Congresswoman
Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota.
And Let's Not Forget the Illegal things that he has done in Indiana.  And This Preacher/ Blogger and
Friends Still thinks that he lied on Flynn when he said that Flynn didn't tell him about his
Relationship with Russia.  We Believe that Flynn did tell him.  Pence Just Lied.  No, We Do Not
Want Pence Either!

Finally: I Want to give Kudos and a Shout Out to NBC  Correspondent Peter Alexander, Who Fact
Check Mr. Trump on The Spot when he lied on President Obama and Bush.  Good Job! The Rest of You Need to Wise Up and Get Some Backbone and do The Same Thing!  This is Serious.
So, Remember What I Said, Do Not Be Distracted. Democrats get Your Own Agenda Together Now!  You See, Your Agenda Must be more than How Awful Donald Trump is....You Won't Win in 2018 on that!  Do Your Job....Or Lose Yours!
 And To The Rest of Us, Let's Continue to Pray, Stand Up, and.......Fight!!!!

Monday, October 9, 2017


It is Monday, October 9th, 2017, The Day After Sunday Afternoon Football. And Once again, Some
Players Took a Knee.  I'll get back to them.

1. MEDIA-Let Me Start with You.  Now I understand that your job can be hard If You Really Care
about The People who look to you for information and truth. But, there has been too many holes in Your Work. ( Especially from The White House Correspondents).  Since #45 has been in office,
  Most of you have let him get away with too much. Yes, Lies, Propaganda and More Lies. Do Your Job!
Okay,  Let me narrow this down.  Trump and Now Pence and Their Racist gang, have been using this NFL/One Baseball Player taking a Knee Just for Propaganda.
And You and I Both know, that this has Nothing to do with Disrespecting The Flag. This is about All of us Having Enough...Having Enough of
 Black and Brown Colored Men and Women being Abused and Killed by The Police,
 Basically Just Because They are Black and Brown.   And I am not a Police Hater, I am a Police Chaplain here in Michigan
and I know what they go through...But Still... Let's Be Real. One killing after another just made
things worst and when a White Women got killed by White Supremacist just trying to fight for
The Rights of the people of  Color. Well,  That was it!  And What Really Stings in All of these Cases, is Now we have a President who has let it be known, that people of Color means nothing to him.  That Regardless of the Facts that he will always take the side of The Police and The Racist....Yeah, #45, we know all about your Wink and a Nod!
And to make things worst,  No Matter how much  evidence was against these officers, Every Court,
Over and Over again, Always found The Shooter in Blue, Not Guilty.. So Yes! That's Why They Take a Knee, Not To Disrespect The Flag, but to Bring Public Awareness that The Country of which The
Flag  is suppose to stand for, Has Been Dis Respecting, Brown Folks and Women. So to The Media, The Next Time #45, Makes those statements about the players disrespecting the flag and veterans....Get Some Back bone, and ask him, Don't you think that you have disrespected The
 Veterans and The Flag when you Disrespected The Gold Star Family?
And what about making fun of a Very Ill, War Hero and Veteran  like Senator John McCain?
He did his Service...( Something that he and his Children have Never Done......Nothing Militarily.) Anyway, ask him that? Ask him if he knows All of the words of The
national anthem, Especially The Third Verse.....Hey Media! Do You know what it saids?..Take a Look! And ask him, isn't anyone wearing or Waving a Confederate Flag at a Game being Disrespectful.  Ask him.  Or do You have The Courage to do it?!
2. NFL PLAYERS-Have you been Saving and investing your Money?  If you have..Then, It's time to
Act.  Dallas Cowboys, Your Owner Jerry Jones Threatened You and said if Any one of you take a
knee, You will be Benched.. You see, he got a Call and a Tweet from Daddy Trump, so now he has
to show you guys the truth,The Truth  that he was Never With You!  So, Now,  Listen, The Detroit
Lions, Listen, The 49'ers and More Listen....DO NOT TAKE THIS!  let #45 and Company Know....That You are Not Working on a Cotton Field Anymore! Show Your Children, and Show Yourself that You have Respect for this Country, But You Also, Demand RESPECT!!!
 So on your next game, All of You in One Accord....Please, Take a Knee. Let him Bench The Whole team.....Yes, .Let Jerry Jones and his Racist Slave Master Friends, Take The Field on Sunday instead.
 ***And Now as I Write this I see that No Backbone, ESPN has Suspended Sports Caster
Jemele Hill for asking for a Boycott of The Dallas Cowboy's Advertisers, ESPN will be Sorry for
That!   Now, We will Boycott You!  So Players...Get Some Backbone, Don't Leave People who support you like Jemele Hill Out there by themselves, do Something Now!  Just Like Lebron James,
He is  Putting his  Money, Caring and Fight for Civil Rights Where his Mouth and Basketball
Skills is.....What About You?
I have Already Warned you, Do Not Be Distracted!  Do Not Let Mr. Trump Play these Mind
and Distractive Games! You Start Speaking Up. Don't Forget that You Work for Us.  **( By The Way...You Both Better Get Up Now, and Make The President Finish The Job and
Help Puerto Rico and The U.S. Virgin Islands...Do it Now!!!!!).. And Democrats, Yes You
Chuck and Nancy, Stand Up, Pray and Be Bold for Us! And Republicans Maybe You Need to
take a Page out of Sen. Corker's Book, and Get Some Backbone!  Wake Up.  Why are You So Scared of #45?  If You Do Not get it together, You Will Be Sorry.  Because God is Watching You. And at The End of The Day, after All of The Kissing up and Cowardliness ...You Will Still be Out of a Job!
So why Don't you ask God to Cover You and Do The Right Thing?...I Mean You can talk to God
Can't You?  I Mean Most of You Claim to be So Religious....Yeah The "Religious Right"... Okay,
Prove it....***(Well, News Flash: There is a Difference between  Having a "Relationship with God and being "Religious")  And you know that #45 have Serious Mental Issues, So,What are You
Waiting for, a Third World War?, The Total Humiliation of The United States?  Because Let me
tell you, if Someone in this Country because of Trump's Mental  Illness and You Doing
Nothing  about it  gets hurt....All of You are Going to Be Guilty...Do You Hear Me?...All of You!! So to All of You, Let's Get Busy, Put Your Backbone Where Your Mouth is! For if You Won't, We The People of God of All Colors  and of All Cultures,Will.  For We Will Continue  with The Power of God, and with The Power of The Ballot and with The Power of a Economic Boycott, We Will Continue to Pray, Stand Up and....Fight!!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Greetings Everyone,
So Much has happened since I was on last.  Oh My, The Shooting in LasVegas. So Much to Pray about! Asking God to be with The Victims.  Those who are Injured and family Members of those who lost their lives.  I am also Praying for the Family of The Gunman Stephen Paddock  and his girlfriend's 
family who have now been thrown into the midst of this Awful Tragedy.  So I am Sad, but I am Also 
Angry.  Angry that After 59 People are dead, and Over 500 People were Injured, that Republicans and those who Have NRA Money in their Pockets, Still have The Nerve to Pull out that Old Record that saids..."It is Too Early to Talk about Gun Control"  or " Guns Don't Kill People, People
Killed People"!   Stop it, Just Stop it! Stop coming up with an Excuse to Do Nothing! But You Know,
Why should I Be Surprised?  For Over 20 Kids got killed by a Young Man at Sandy Hook, And even 
Something So Horrible like that Did Not Move Your Sorry Behinds to Do Anything. So I guess Nothing Less than Jesus Christ Making You Pass a Gun Law Himself is going to Move You. God has Something for All of You. And He is The One that  You Should Fear, Not The NRA. For The NRA has No Heaven or Hell to give you.  But God Does....Wake Up!

And then There is Double Standards..... ( STAYED TUNE!!!)......Okay, I'm Back...
So..I hear that Secretary of State Tillerson Called #45 a "Moron". So, going over what
the word Moron means.....In My Flesh I said, And...So, What is The Problem?
But Spiritually I would have to say that saying that was a Disrespect to The Office of The So-Called
 President of The United States. But Hold On.....Wait a Minute!...What a Double Standard!
President Barack Obama was Called So Many Names. Awful Names. Names that will Turn Your Stomach. And #45...Mr. Donald Trump was One of The ones  who Called him Those Names.  He did
everything that he could do De-Legitimize President Obama by saying that he was not born in The United States( By The Way, Mr. Trump, Let's See Your Birth Certificate....Your Father and Family came from Germany, How do we know that You were Really Born in The United States?)
....Anyway, so it is Reported that Mr. Trump is Frustrated that Someone Called him a Name.....Please!
Grow Up.  You are Definitely Nothing but a Bully, Because Bullies can Dish Out a Good Game,
But they Can't Take One.( And You have Provened that Nationally and Internationally!)  When They Called President Obama Out of his name, and said Some Nasty, Racial Things about him and
Michelle...(Including Official Folk, Like Republicans who were being paid by us to Work, Not to
 Bad Mouth The President.)....Media, Where Were You? Where was a Whole Week of Coverage
about what Officials said about him?   Why weren't you out on the Streets asking The Common
 American how they felt  about the way that  They have been treating and saying Racial things about their President..( President Obama)..Uh? Why wasn't that Humiliation of The First Black President, Breaking News?!!!!
So, I am Tired of All of these Double Standards. I mean what's up anyway, ..Is "Double Standards
on Sale Somewhere?....Maybe I Need to Pick me up Some. Where can I buy it, for Me
And for  My Ministry?......On Second Thought...No, Thank You. For I am Better than That!
 #45 Grow Up...Put that Toy Down Called "Twitter" and Grow Up!  What you Really Need to be
Frustrated about,is That God, May Not have Anything Good to say about You.  Nothing Good
Like You are Welcomed to Come into My Kingdom of Heaven and to Spend Eternity with Me.  You Need to More Concerned about Jesus Saying...."See You Later.  You have Hurt So Many of My People, You Don't Serve Me, But You have Hurt The People who Do.
  And Not Once have you Regarded Me as God and Repented for All that You Have Done.
 So Goodbye....You will Spend Eternity in Hell with Satan himself"
And With All of the Stuff that is About to Come Out....You Should be
Worried about Your Soul.....Now!   
So, People, Wake Up.  Continue to Pray for All of The Hurricane and Earthquake Victims,
Especially those in Puerto Rico and The Virgin Islands(USA)....They have Been Treated like
Second Class Citizens, and That Must Stop.  And Pray for The Families of The Victims and The
Victims themselves, who were Murdered and Injured by a Terrorist .....
.Yes, a Terrorist, A Terrorist  Named Stephen Paddock.
 Now, I Never Said Isis or Someone from The Islam State, but I Said
Terrorist.  Because This Man Caused..."Terror"!   Wake Up!.  And Please  Use The Power
of Prayer and The Blood of Jesus, to Take away, The Negative Authority, and
The Bank Rolling of The NRA.....God is going to Sit Them Down!  And with All that We are going
through as a Nation, Do Not Let No One get in Your Way of You Going Forward....Do You
Hear me Dreamers?!!! ....No One!!!  So Let's Come Together as One and Continue to Pray....Stand Up.....And Fight!!!!!

Friday, September 29, 2017


It is Friday September 29th, 2017.  And #45 and Team are trying to Play Catch up with The
Tragedy in Puerto Rico. Catch up, because The President was too busy tweeting about somebody's
Moma being a "B" and their Players Son's being Disrespectful, you know Important Stuff like that.
Stuff like, Not Honoring The Flag at a Sporting Event was #45's Top Priority-( And We All Know
that This is Not About The Flag or The Veterans who have Served)...Anyway, all
this was being done while The Americans in Puerto Rico were Suffering from, No Water, No Food,
Seniors getting sicker and Death and Destruction being All Around them.

So now Our Interim Homeland Security Secretary, Elaine Duke,  did a Press Conference to Try to Save Face. Saying that Everything was being taken care of. ( She Could of Kept That Lie).
#45 could of Waived The Jones Act so that trucks and supplies could get across the bridge,
A Long Time ago. But here it is 9 Days Later, and he Finally waived that act.  And It was done for others before.  Look at How many Days and Lives have been Wasted?!
So, What are you going to say to The Mayor of Puerto Rico ( Who is Very Passionate About Her People)...When you get there on Tuesday?  What are You going to say to The People who are in
such a Great Need? "I'm Sorry?" Oh Yeah, I Forgot, You Don't Apologize to Anybody. Because in
Your Mind, You Don't Do Anything Wrong. I have a Petition out now, Demanding that Pelosi and
The Gain, Demand a Public Apology from you for those SOB Comments.  You Know, That Statement which was So Disrespectful!
Yes, Disrespectful.....That's a Word that You Love to Spread around about Everyone Else.
We have Heard All of Your Excuses. Other Folks have made it out there.  Gov. Cuomo of New York and Others have showed More Concern then You, #45.
Mr. trump, when You get there, Don't Make Everything about You like You Always do. This is Not About You!!!  And by The Way, We know that This whole NFL Mess of Yours is All about You
 making it Good with Your Base, while using it as a Distraction about what a Disgrace Your
 Presidency is, and a Distraction away from You and Your Family heading to Jail....Who's Shouting Lock Her Up Now?!

So, Let's Pray, that there will be No More Deaths, and that  what is Too Little, from #45 Is Not
Too Late.  And How Dare You Bring up the Debt that Puerto Rico Owes while They Lay Dying. Let's Discussed Your Debt.  Let's Talk about Who You Owe, Maybe they will Start Denying
You Things...Like Life!   God is Watching, Stop Your Lies.....God is Watching!!! And #45, To You and All of those Who Do Not Care about Those of Color and Who Cannot
Help You...I Got a Word for You from Proverbs 21:13 "Those Who Stop Their Ears
To The Cry of The Poor..Will One Day Cry Themselves And Will Not Be Heard!..Wake Up, Haters.  Pay Day is Here! God Will Make You Pay.  And One Day, Real Soon,You Will Be in Need, and No One Will Be Able to Help You!  But to The Rest of You....Let's All Pray and Pull Together for Each Other.  And as I Close, Talking about Things being too Late: What is Too Little, Too Late is All of these Fake Speeches from #45 talking like he cares about Puerto Rico,  ( All While he Still can't Get The NFL Off of his Lips)..#45, I Hate to think what you would have done, if Puerto Rico was Not Part of The United States or The U.S. Virgin Islands. ( What's wrong...are they too Brown
for You? ).. No, You can fake off all that you want trying to act like you care.  You see,What Comes out of The Mouth is from The Heart.  And From The Central Park Five, Charlottesville to The SOB
Statements about The Mostly Black Players in The NFL, NBA and others, You have Proved that The First Thing that Comes out of Your Mouth, Is What is in Your Heart.  And that is Hatred, Racism,
And Selfishness. And in This Blogger/Preacher/Community Leader's Opinion, You.....#45 are a Disgrace, and Disrespectful!   You Know, Maybe "You" Should Take a Knee.
Yes, Bow Down and Take a  Knee Before a Righteous, All Powerful  God Who Loves Everybody....And Then  You Need to Repent. Repent  While You Still have The Time!

Monday, September 25, 2017


Greetings Everyone,
I know that it has been a while since you heard from me.  But it has been so Much going on,
that I had to Pray and Step back for a Minute. But  Now, it's September, 25th, 2017.
And It Is Time!    First of All:
We who are Called by The Name of Our Almighty Saviour  Jesus Christ, are Just as Much
Responsible for  #45 Being The President of The United States.  Maybe even more
than   Russia, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton's Mistakes and Those who sat their Behind
Down and did not Vote.  What did We do? We  did Not Seek God's Face.  We Stop Praying.
You see,  God had not heard from us in a Long time.  So, I Bet that.....
You got time  to talk to God Now Don't You!?   I have So Much  to say, So Now to Save time and
space I am just going to Outline Everything:
1. RUSSIA AND #45-Unless you have Some Serious Visual, Hearing and Mental Issues, it
should be very obvious what is going on. My 6 Year Old Granddaughter Candace could see from
 Day One, that #45 was in Hoots with Putin and Russia.  Putin has Something Big on him.  And if President Obama would have done a Centimeter of what Trump has Done, or Said, he would of been gone.  Michelle Obama could not have had her brother, or President Obama could not have had
his sister, No Where close to The Cabinet. And Steve..."God has got Something Waiting on You"...Bannon should  have Never been Any Where Near The Whitehouse.
Now, Kushner( #45"s Son'in Law) obviously have been using his Private email account to take
 care of Whitehouse Business. And they believe that his  Wife, Ivanka has done so as well.
Now, Put that with That Private Meeting with Russia Before the election and Other
things, and I am still Waiting for The Republicans to Yell that Famous Chant...."Lock Him Up!!"
2, DEMOCRATS, DON'T BE FOOLED..Trump is Not Your Friend, Chuck and Nancy.  Do Not
Let him Sneak in the back door and get Rid of Health Care for Millions of People.  I Keep Telling
You Guys....Don't Be Fooled By The Distractions. i.e. His Racist Bouts against Athletes using their
Platform to Fight Unjustice, Saying that he is getting rid of The Dreamers, or Acting Like a Ignorant
5 Year Old with North Korea, Putting Fear in Americas Heart. All so that We will Forget About How he is Guilty as Tomato Sauce for being in bed with Russia. And he wants us to be distracted from
finding  out that he is Not that Rich, and from a Whole Lot of other things.
Distractions, while Back Door Legislation against the poor gets passed and signed.  Distractions while Jeff Sessions tries to take Minorities Backward.. Yes, Many More Distractions.  But God has had Enough! So, Keep Praying Saints. Because just  like Dr. Jamal Bryant Recently Preached...
...."It's About to Go Down"!!!!  Do You Really think Republicans and Haters, that God is going to let you take away our Health Care?  Health Care from our Seniors and our babies?.....Uh?! Do You Really think that he is going to let you keep using his name to take away food from the poor? No...It's About to Go Down. And  I said it Before, Don't wait until The Jimmy Kimmel Syndrome Comes Down Your Street.  Because it Will if You Keep Hurting God's People!
FINALLY: YOU SO-CALLED RELIGIOUS RIGHT CHRISTIANS-I Have a Question for You...What God Do You Serve?!!!!  I  have heard You Religious Right Folk Tell Everybody that God has sent us a King in Donald Trump.  Yes, The Same man who is a Racist, Partners with White Supremacist, have a Long History of Housing Discrimination against Blacks and Minorities
 But Still he is God's Choice?...Really!?.  He Calls People Out of their name,
Make Fun of The Disabled, and Call Black Athletes Mother's SOB's But Still Somehow,
he is God's Chosen. But, You Called President Obama The Anti-Christ. And he couldn't even keep his own Pastor because he spoke the truth. So, How Dare You?
   And here You are, Twisting The Scriptures to Support that Lie.  The Word  of God, Backs Up, Global Warming and Climate Change in The Last Days, but You still want to Deny it, Because of who Saids that exist.  Yes,
You Pharisees  are part of what I call "The Noah Syndrome People".. They Laughed at Noah
when he Said that it was going to rain. They made fun of him, while he was building The Ark.  But
Oh My Goodness, when that Flood came,( When Hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose and Especially Maria
Came.  When The Earthquakes hit Mexico and New Mexico Twice in One Month), When The Earth is Totally Destroyed, You will be the Main Ones, Banging on he Door of The Ark Screaming.....Let Me In! So, #45 and All of Your Haters, What Kind of Fool Do You Think that We Are?.  For those of Us, Who have Learned that We Must Seek God's Face, 24/7, For those of us who have Realized that we Must Love One Another, Just as God Loves Us. Because We Have Repented and have Lifted Up
The Name of Jesus with Praise!. We Now have Greater Power.  We are Now Even More Empowered.
Now, We Know that We have The Victory.   And No Man, No Woman, Nobody is Going to Get in Our Way! And We are putting this Mess Under The Blood of Jesus!
 And when it All does come Down, When God Lets The Whole Truth Out, You will Not
be able to blame Mueller, CNN, MSNBC, and The Like.  No, You just need to Look at The Man in The Mirror. Something that Obviously You have Not done All of Your Life.  So, We Must Come
 Together, From All Races, And We Must Stand Together as One.  For We are  Nobody's
Fool!  But,Now  More than Ever Before, We Will Continue to Pray, Stand Up and Fight!!!!!

Thursday, May 4, 2017


What in God's Name is Wrong with You
House Republicans? Is it Ignorance,
Hatred Against Pres. Obama,
Or Are You Just a No Good,
Money Hungry  Legislature
That Just Don't Give a Darn!
Millions of People will Lose
Health Care, including My
40 Year Old Son who has
Serious Health issues and who
Has been Walking around with
A Too Delicate to Operate
Brain Tumor for a Few Years
Now.  But as Bad as All of that
Is, It Was a Whole Lot Worst
When he did Not have Health
Insurance.  God Used The
Affordable Health Care Act
To help Save My Son's Life.
Now, he has Great Doctor's
and Great Care! And We
Personally have Thanked
God and President Obama
Over and Over Again.
So What happen to those
Five Republicans who met
With Trump and Changed their
Mind's? Did Mr. Trump Threaten
Them? Was there Blackmail in
The Air?....Uh?! And While I watched
Many Americans Cry in Hurt and Anger,
 The House Republicans were
Celebrating, Taking Pictures.
Yeah.... Go ahead and
 Take Those Pictures, Just Like They
Took Pictures Smiling and Excited
Just Before They got on The Titanic
And It Sunk. Because You Will Pay.
So U.S. Senate Republicans, Take Note:
You are going to See The Repercussion
Of What The House Did Today,   Not Just
Seeing Them Losing Seat After Seat
In 2018.  But You Will See in State After
State Constituents giving Their Congressman
and a Congresswoman a Literal Beat Down.
So Take Heed of The Warning. Do Not
Even Do a Up or Down Vote on This Bill.
Don't Do Nothing!
For You May Be Scared of Donald Trump,
Or of Losing that Seat that You Don't Deserve.
But Your Biggest Fear Should be When
You Face God. Oh Yes, and Baby...You Will. And
Everyday and Night, You are going to have
To Deal with that Man or Woman In The
So was it Worth it? Was it Worth it
Just so That Donald Trump could get
Some Sick Kind of Victory? Hear
Me Now,  This Leader has Some
Serious Mental Issues and Will Soon
Be Out of Office.  And then You
Will Be Left to deal with what
You did, All By Yourself!  And to
Both House and Senate Republicans and
Democrats, I have a Warning for
 You, Proverbs 21:13 Saids that
"Those that Stop  Their
Ears Against The Cry of The Poor
Will One Day Cry Themselves and Will
Not Be Heard"......People, Pay Day is
Coming! God Will Not be Mocked, You Will
Reap what You Sowed. So You Better
Pray that Jimmy Kimble's Testimony
Will Not  Come Down Your Street. Maybe
Not The Same Way, But I Promise  You..
It's Coming!  So, it's  Time to Repent,
Pray, Stand Up......And Fight!
Pastor D

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Well Today is April 29th, 2017, Trump's Famous 100th Day as President of The United States.
Now Personally, even though the media had countdowns to this day Blasted on their 
Cable Tv Screen as well as other Media Outlets, I can care Less.  I Could not deal with 
his First Day. And to me, he is Not My President of The United States.  And it's not because of 
Racism, Sour Grapes or Party Differences.  It is Because Something Happened.  Something Happened that let's me and others know that this man did not get in this position
 Legally, or Morally. 
And I am Praying that this Truth will be Disclosed Real Soon, with a Whole Lot of Other Truths.  God will let The Truth  come out.  And it will come out No Matter how many  
 Fake Distractions that Mr. Trump and his folks  will  come up with!

     So 100 Days.......Puh!. But Mr. Trump being in the White house has proven what we 
already knew, and that is that Mr. Trump has some Serious Mental Issues. And  Yes, 
Saturday Night Live and other Comedians has painted a Comical Picture of his mental state. 
But this is Serious!  You see, The Truth is that Our Country and Other Countries 
could be in a lot of trouble, because of it.  And Non-Criminal Immigrants and their 
 innocent children have been living in fear since day one.  And he has proven over and over again, that he knows Nothing  and Do Not  have a heart for Health Care or for the people who needs it.  
It has been proven that he Knows nothing about Foreign Policy, or Running a Country.  But in his Mind, He Knows Everything.....And Everything is Always  about..."Him".
So on this day, I Finally started a Petition with Move that I have wanted to do 
since he supposedly won.  The Petition Saids....."Make it A Law that anyone Running 
for President of The United States Must Get a Mental Evaluation"
Please go on- all-law-that. And Sign The Petition.
Or just go on Move and Look for The Title. Just Sign Please!
( It Should be "A Law" But it May Say..."All Law")...
So People, Wake Up,  Sign this Petition now  to Prepare Ourselves for The Next Time. 
So, on this 100th Day of Trump's So Called Presidency. We May Not Know what Crazy 
imbalanced things that is  on Mr. Trump's Mind.......But for the rest of us, Please Remember
that a Mind, Your Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste.  So Get Up and Rise Up for We got 
a Lot More Work to do.  For we  Must Continue to Pray, Stand Up and Fight...Fight, Pray and Fight!!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Well, Well, We are only in about
Fifty Three days into
The So Called Presidency of
Donald Trump.  And More
and More things that we Suspected
about Trump, Russia and
Lies Continue to Manifest
Itself.  So The Latest is
Rachel Maddow's Revelation
Of Donald Trumps 2005
Tax Return.....A Whole Two
Pages.  Rachel of Msnbc is
an Excellent Journalist and is
Very Thorough in her
Investigations.  She Also
Cares.  I Believe that The
Folk in Flint, Michigan
Could Verify that.  But Like
I mentioned to Rachel this
Morning via email,  Do Not
Get too Caught up in that
Tax Return.  It could  be
a Diversion.  Throwing The
Dog a Bone in Other Words.
You See, While the dog is going for
The Bone, he misses the intruder
Who is sneaking in the back
Door that means to do More
Harm than one could ever
Imagine.  Don't You hear
The Dog Barking?.  Media,
Wise Praying Residents
Of this Country....Somebody
Needs to Stand Guard, 24/7.
For  The Real Truth, The Real
Danger, The Real Story is
Sneaking in The Back Door
as We Speak.  Congresswoman
Maxine Waters and Congressman
 John Conyers and The
Like, Keep on Probing, Keep
On Pressing for The Truth.
But to The Rest of You Democrats
Who has been sitting back
Doing Nothing and seeing
Which way the wind is going
To Blow.  To Those in The
DNC, who have forgotten
That you work for us, while
You are So busy playing
Kissy face because you are
Afraid of Losing Your Seat....
....Wake Up, for you have Already
Lost that seat.  We are Lining
Up Many, Community Organizing
Young People Who has
Integrity and who will be Taking
Your Place in 2018.  Now
Listen, On this day March
15th, 2017, You May have
Another Chance to Fix
Things.  God is about to
Hand You a Basket Full of
Truth and Evidence of a
Corrupt Administration
Called Trumpville.  Do Not
Blow This Opportunity.
Do Your Job! Listen,
I hear the doors of The
Dog Kennel Opening.
Which Side will You be on,
In The Dog House or Out?!
The Barking Dog is Saying
Pull Up Your Sleeves and
Fight. For at this Moment,
My Granddaughter Candace
Who Turned 6 Years Old
Today, can do a Much
Better Job than You can.
So to Every Registered
 Voter Out there,
Do Your job too, Before you
Find Yourself Living "Under"
The Dog House with No
Food and No Health Insurance.
And I said it Before and I'll
Keep saying it.  We have to
Repent, Continue to Pray and Stand Up
And Fight Like Never Before!
March 15th, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017


Happy/Blessed New Years!
Congressman John Lewis!....You Go Man!
You have Always Been a Man of Integrity.
And After All  You have been
Through in Your Fight for Civil
Rights, You have Never Lost
Your Back Bone! Yes, this is the
Most Craziest, Illegally, International
Law Breaking Election that We
Have Ever Experienced in Our
Life Time. Donald Trump is
"Scheduled" to be inaugurated
as  The Next President of The
United States on January 20th,
2017. And Congressman Lewis
Let it be known that he will
Not be a Legitimate President
And that You can Have that Fake
Unfair Ceremony Without him!.
And Mr. Trump...How Dare You say
what you said in a Cowardly Tweet to
Congressman Lewis! You Will Regret
what you did, on this Dr. Martin Luther
King Celebration Weekend. And Please,
Fall on Your Knees.. and Get You Some Help!
And Listen Democrats, Get up off of
Your Tail of a Comfort Zone.
Get a Back Bone Like John Lewis,
Dennounce Trumps Legitimacy
And Do Not Show Up on January
20th. Sen. Cory Booker, We are
Proud of You! Thank You for having
A Back Bone! May God Continue to
Use You, and Cover You. Yes, The Whole Truth Will Come out about
 Russia, Putin and Others.
And "IF" God Allows
This Swearing In Ceremony to
Go forth, Democrats....Wear
Trump Down Baby!....Wear him
And The Republicans Down!
Because if You Do Not, We The
People,  The Ones that You work
For, Will Wear You Down!
Whether in Washington,DC
Or Everytime that You Go Home.
People, Wake Up and Pray. And All
Of You Folk, Celebrity, or not
Black or White, Clergy( Who
are Walking Around with Some
Trump Money in Their Pockets)...
Who ever you are...All of You
Who is giving Donald Trump
A Wink and a Nod and a  Pat on The
Back or a Kissing Up....Watch Out,
For You are going to Live to Regret
It. For God....Not The Media
Is Not Finished Yet. And He has
Some Giant Major Truths
that Is About to Come
Out. And for The First time in his
Life... Donald Trump Will Not be
Able to
Get away With This One!
This Man has Some Racial, Mental
Challenges, and He Can Not,
Will Not Run this Country.
Not him, his Family nor
None of those Other Hateful
demons.  None of You
Will have The Power to
Do The Awful things that God
Knows that You got Planned
For His People. And God said
That His People Needs to Repent,
Seek His Face and Pray.
Do this Now, So that His Mercy and Grace can Stop this man.
So in a Minute,
I Gurantee you that It is going
To be hard to find Anyone who
Will Admit that They Voted for or
Supported Donald Trump.
So Get out and March with Rev.
Al Sharpton and Others tomorrow-
January 14th, 2017. Get up
and March with Millions
Of Women on January 21st,
2017. Join All of The Peaceful
Marches and Community
Organizations, and Let it
Be Known, to Donald Trump, The
Hater Blocking Republicans
and Any Democrats who will
Not Do their Job, that We Will
Not Put up with Your Mess Anymore!
President Obama, We will Truly
Miss You. And All of those Black,
White, Brown People or Whatever who Did
Not Appreciate You these Past
8 Years....Don't Worry...They Will! So, People,
Wake Up, Get Your War Clothes On Baby!
For it's Time to Fight.
And  Ask God to Help You.
So People, Pray, Stand Up  and Fight.......
......Like You Never have Before!