Saturday, June 20, 2015


On the  Wednesday Evening, of June 17th, 2015, the members of Emanuel African
Methodist Episcopal Church did what they usually did, they came together to  Praise God,
Pray and Study God's Word. And then satan dressed as a 21 year old white young man
walked in. And after sitting for a hour, listening to singing and  praying, this young angel
of satan, who was named at birth...  Dylann "Storm" Roof, started shooting,  killing nine people,
leaving one alive to be a witness of the shooting. Also, left alive was a
 little 5 year old girl whose  Grandmother had the Wisdom of The Holy Ghost
 to tell her granddaughter to pretend like she was dead.
   Well, at one time, it appeared  that the devil was beginning to lose his grip on
this young man, as the spirit of Love was overwhelming him. But because he had
such a deep hate and a mission to complete, he listened to the devils voice and proceeded anyway.

   But as painful as this all is, and as many questions that I can imagine some folk
would like to ask God about this Massacre, Please Know this, that God is saying, No...
uh, uh!...Not in My House!!..Vengeance is Mines..."I" Will Repay!!!
And to young Dylann, I Pray for your soul. I am thankful that God did not let you die or
kill yourself because as of this moment,  your soul is not ready and it would have
rotted in hell......and Yes...hell is Real!. I am sorry for who might of hurt you in your life.
I am sorry that even as a child that someone made you feel like you were not
worth the time of day.  But God Loves You. And Right now, You Need to Repent
and accept Jesus as Your Personal Saviour. Do not let your Hurtful Childhood, and the
devil get the victory over Your Life. Stop believing the Lies...While you have the chance!!!!
    And to these Families of the Nine victims, Oh My Goodness,  my heart is so hurt With you.
But at the same time, it hurts with a sense of healing, as I hear you forgive this young man Dylann, even through your pain.  So we will continue to pray for you. And I know that you
know, that God and  His Holy Ghost will hold you and keep you, like No One Else Can!!

    So, what do we do now?   Well, for one thing we must keep on Praying,
 Keep on Praising God, and if you were not doing it before, we must Work and Fight
for the Sake of Jesus Christ and His People, like Never Before!
The church that I pastor and have founded just happened to be a A.M.E. Church because
that is the church that I grew up in.   But it doesn't matter, This would have tore me up, just as well
 if it had happened in a  Baptist Church,  Apostolic, Lutheran and the like.  The Main issue is, that this was a attack on people young and old...preachers and lay.
 This was an attack on God...and God's People!
And if we are not  being for real with God and are not putting our War Clothes on...In Jesus
and in God's Love...It is going to get worst. You see, for too long, we in this country,
  have took for granted the freedom of going in and out of the church, and worshipping God
without a threat.  We heard  about it...."Over There" in India..etc.
 But as I warned the church for years, this too can happen to us here.
And then we will see who is serving this God for Real, and who is Just going to Church.
Because this is Real, God is Real, and the need to Repent and accept Jesus as Your
Personal Saviour...Is Real. And For Real, We are in The Last of The Last Days.  And I want
to Thank my Colleagues in Dearborn, Michigan who come from The Lutheran Church,
Polish Catholic, Presbyterian, Muslim and the like, who have Stopped and Prayed and
Cried with Me. As well as my A.M.E. Family and colleagues as we work to hold each other up.
So, while God is Saying...Not in My House...Let's make sure that Our Houses, (Our
Body, Spirit, Homes and Churches are Clean and in order.)
And let's not get this Twisted...This was a Racial, Hateful Act. And this was  Terrorism,
Spiritual Terrorism.   You see, Jim Crow, The Grand Wizard of The KKK, and others
have Cousins, nephews  and nieces, and they are out here.
 And No it did not start with the election of President Obama.
It didn't start with the killing of Trayvon Martin, nor did it get
started with the bombing of those four young girls in that church
in Birmingham Alabama that Sunday. That hateful crew..have always been here.
And they are determined to win. But Victory is Mines...Saith The Lord!
Years ago, there was an old song that said..."Don't Mess With Bill"...Well I say, Don't
Mess with God's People. For the word of God said to "Touch not my Anointed
and do my Profits No Harm"
So, with a Clean and Repented  Heart, Let's do like my colleague
said the other day, do what God said in 2nd Chronicles 7:14.....
Repent, Turn from Your Wicked ways, Be Humble, Pray  and Seek God's Face,
and then God will Move on our behalf.  He will move on our
behalf  as a Church and as a Nation.  And so, with His
Power backing you up,  you can say to that enemy that is in your Life.......No, Uh, uh..."Not
In My House!"

Monday, May 25, 2015


   Happy Memorial Day. Blessed Memorial Day to The Current Active Military,
The Veterans who lost their life in battle, The Veterans who are alive but still in a
Physical/Emotional and Economical Battle, and to The Love Ones who weren't in
The Military but who have gone on.

Today in Our Consumers Corner, I just want to very briefly bring up something that I neglected to do
 in my Grocery Store Session.  Today is the first spring/summer holiday.
And folk have been going to the store seeing what they can afford
to buy  which will help them celebrate this day....Safely. Although we all
appreciate a good deal, let's  be mindful and cautious when we shop.

Things like, The Red Light Special....Be Careful. You know how we would intentionally look
for that yellow or orange clearance sign when we shop for clothes furniture and the like?...
Well, tough as times are, I would not recommend that when you shop for food.
listen, day old bread, or can goods is one thing, but Meat, like hamburger, chicken and pork, and
dairy, I don't think so!  And in my experience and opinion, I would not put my family's
health at stake, by going home and cooking a hamburger or a pork chop that had
a red label on it..."Manager's Special"...Me personally, I would have to go straight
from the cash register, straight to my Kitchen , scrub and scrub the meat and cook it
immediately.  Even better than that, why don't you invite the manager of that store to
come to your house for dinner and let him or her share that meal, if they think that it so
safe for You to give to Your family. And as you recall, I mentioned before about Meat Smelling
in the store in an earlier blog...."Something Smells...In Denmark".. By all means, if you see meat at the store, that has a "Manager's Special"  Label on it, and it is Green, Gray and it Smells...
Baby you need to just walk away. No, You need to Run, Run as fast as you can out of that door.
 and as you do, you need to hand that meat over to that manager, and let them know that you are
 going to Report Them! You see your family may be on a tight budget, but they should not have
to die  early just to get a Deal!

   So, Be Safe on this Holiday.  Use Wisdom and Common Sense.  And Happy Memorial Day, to Birdtrice J. Smith, The Woman who gave me life way over fifty years ago and who passed this life in
February of 2008.  We miss You Mom /Grammy!   Okay, Everybody, Be Safe. And Don't Drink and know what?.....Just Don't Drink!

Monday, May 11, 2015


                                     {Consumers Corner}


Today's Consumer Corner is about  Car Dealers/Buying a Car.
So here are a few tips for you;
Purchasing a Vehicle:
1. If You get a promo ad from a car dealer, promising  you the moon and the the fine print.
2. If you are Planning on trying to finance your car or finance a trade, see the Finance Manager First.
   When you want to hopefully get an  honest deal, you don't want to see the salesman first. For he/she
  would have your hopes built up high just for the Finance Manager to burst it.
  Know your Credit Score, so that you  can be the boss of the negotiations. If you have poor credit...
  welcome to the club of many. But still be proactive.  When a car dealer advertises that no matter
  what your credit is that they guarantee  that they will put you in a car...make them clarify that.
  What kind of car? Will I need a large down payment and a pint of my blood or what? Take authority...nicely. Don't let them make you feel that you need to take what we give you, and
just be glad that you have....Something!!..Don't Put up with that!

Serve Me Right!
1. Always check out the service department of that dealership.
  How goes the service department, so goes the dealership.

2. Do not take their word for anything.  As a matter of fact, before choosing a dealership, try to
   to check on their most recent reviews. And when you get there, go to the service department and
  ask the customers who are waiting on their car, how good has their service department been to them.

Carfax Me!

1. We Thank God for The Carfax. But sometimes carfax miss some things.  So do your own home work..Take GM Cars for example..Carfax could not have shown all of those recalls.
But Still, make them show you the Carfax.

Buy Me...Pretty Lady!
Women, be an Educated Consumer. Don't fall for that ...It's a Pretty Color, and
You can see yourself really good in the mirror Stuff! Tell then to lift up that Hood!

And to both Male and Female beware. Bring a Good Mechanic with you.
whether it's used or new. And during the test drive, don't let the car salesman/woman turn
on the AC or the Radio just so they can drown out the noise that they do not want you to hear.

So, these are just a few tips. Unfortunately, me and my daughter know a lot more about
cars then our Male Husbands. We have degrees and both preach. But we are tough on
car dealers. And you should be too....In a nice way that is...

Now, here is something that I would like to leave with you.
1. Be Careful what you sign. Don't say that you understand what they explained to you
  at one hundred miles a hour, if you don't.
2. If you have problems with a car that you purchased or the way that you were treated:
a). Complain to The Sales/General  Manager. ..If that  do not work.then..
b). saids to fill out a CSS Form and file a Consumer Complaint.
 Yes, I agree with that. And I also agree to...
c). Contact your State Attorney General's Office and file a complaint.
d). File a Complaint with The Better Business Bureau.
***And in the State of Michigan..Contact The Regulatory Division of  The Secretary of State
@ 1-888-SOS-MICH ( 1-888-767-6424)
So Be Good Consumers. Enjoy a Good, Safe Vehicle for you and your family.
And If They Say That They Have The Best Deal....Tell Them To Put It In Writing!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

"PRAY.....SERIOUSLY PRAY!!!" The National Day of Prayer-2015

Today is The National Day of Prayer. A day set aside for this nation to pray as one for one goal. Unfortunately, some people are going to use it as a political tool to bring more hate, lift up racism and to bring down our President, President Barack Obama. This man Needs the True Prayers of The Righteous and of the ones who Love God...For Real. So even if you do not agree with everything that he does...We should Pray that the Holy Ghost will direct him when he needs direction. And Right now in the name of Jesus, I Pray for President Obama, First Lady Michelle and his daughters and Family. So on this day, I am asking those who Really Know the Lord, to Pray Jesus Peace, Jesus Love, And to Pray Jesus Blood over Our Homes, Our Body and over this Nation. For Greater is He..Jesus, that's in us than the enemy in me, the Haters, the Police Brutality, Economic Lack, isis and the like, and even the devil himself that it's in the World.....For God is Greater!! But we must not forget, what else that We Must Do...So, let's take out a moment and read 2nd Chronicles 7:12-14.- 7: 14 Saids "If My People who are called by My name, will Humble themselves and Pray and Seek My Face, then will I hear from Heaven, and it is then that I will Heal their Land" Yes, We Must do this, as We Lift this Saviour Up! for it's time to Stop Lifting up the Haters and evil doers who only want to destroy across this world... for when all of the haters and evil folk are gone, God will Still be Here! For Always and Forever and Forever, and Ever..God will Still Be The Great I am!. So on this day, Pray. And to the Church Get Ready, for playing time is Over. For Jesus will be Coming Back Real Soon Now, Sooner than Soon! So, Let's Stand up, Fight and Seriously, Seriously, Seriously.... Pray! Blessings PastorD

Monday, May 4, 2015

"IT'S YOUR HEALTH......REALLY! ( Consumers Corner)

Greetings, Today's Consumer Corner is going to be about Your Health and how to handle it, concentrating on your doctor's and hospital visits. This blog is a result of being on both ends of the stream. I have been patient and Medical Personnel in Nursing etc. as well. So here are a few tips: 1. Demand Respect. I mean by Demanding I mean very nicely...Demand Respect. We all know about The HIPAA Law that requires a patients confidentially and privacy, but what about a RMAAP Law...."Respect me as a patient" If I owe a co-payment or something...Respect Me, Don't tell the whole world, or humiliate me if I don't happen to have it that day. You don't know my circumstances. Don't put up with that. 2. Your Doctor's Visits: a). How comfortable are you with your physician and staff? Be careful not to see a doctor because your family all the way back to The Flintstones always saw them. Make your own assessment. b). How much time do they spend with you? Unfortunately, some insurance companies...Especially HMO's require a doctor to only spend 15 minutes with their patients. That's Pitiful! Too bad that requirement by some insurance companies couldn't of been removed by The Affordable Health Care Act. I Mean, You break your neck to get there, pay for gas, bus fare and the like and pay a co-payment, right? Well after all of that, they need to give you your due time of a Patient/Doctor Quality Visit. Thank God that some Good Physicians do not worry about getting bonuses from insurance companies but will spend all the time that they need with a patient. 3. PRESCRIPTIONS: Know what your doctor is giving you. Ask him or her many questions about your meds. And when you ask if there are any side effects, and they say none....Red Flag! There are Always side Effects. And your doctor may just want to push it to get some walking around money from The Pharmaceutical Company. Do your Own Homework. It really upsets me when I am at a pharmacy and I hear a Good Pharmacist ask a Senior Citizen..."Do you know why your doctor is giving you this medication"? And a lot of times the answer from the senior is.."No, He just gave it to me". Listen, if you have a senior parent or loved one, don't let them go to the doctor by themselves. or at least talk with the Pharmacist Before they fill their prescription. And listen, Old or Young, know what your doctor is giving you. Don't be fooled. All Dementia cases does not stem from age. but they can also come from meds that do not cross reference well. And meds that a person should of Never been given in the first place. 4. TEST RESULTS: Know your full test Results. First of all, ask your doctor why he or she is a running a particular test. And then when the results come back, go over them with your doctor line by line. I don't care if it will take more than 15 minutes of their time. Make them tell you. Please, don't just accept a phone call or a letter that saids..."Your Test are Normal" I mean yes, that is Good News. But it may not be the Whole Story. Sometimes levels of blood test may bLe borderline, or not normal for your medical history. And probably should be repeated in 3-6 months. But you will not know that, if you do not press them for exact answers. Thank God that more hospitals are using "My Chart" where a patient can look up their results on line. Too many medical conditions have been missed by a quick blanket interpretation of a test result. The same goes for Cat Scans, Mri's ,Ultra Sounds and the like. For Example. If your Hemoglobin as a post menopausal woman has always been 14.5. But now it is 12.75. Even though that may fall close to a Normal range for the lab, It is not normal for you. And it should be investigated to find out why it changed. And on the note of Women..You know your body, if you know that something is wrong with your menstrual, pelvis, breast or anything. Don't let the doctor dismiss you by saying that I wouldn't worry about that. You know when something is wrong. And I don't care how many test that they ran....if They didn't find Nothing...Take it again! Because you know your body! AND THIS GOES TRIPPLE FOR YOUR CHILD AND THEIR PEDIATRICIAN!! So, be your own Advocate. If you have a Good Doctor who takes time with you, explain things and listens.. You need to Praise God for that. But if you don't...start looking for another doctor. Because It's Your Body. You are the Patient, the Doctor works for You. So in a nice but bold way, Demand Respect and Excellent Health Care. For "It's Your Health...Really!" Blessings PastorD

Friday, May 1, 2015


Well, Well, Well! Just when it looked like nothing Was going to happen for a while or at all, here comes State Attorney General Marilyn Mosby making an announcement in front of a judicial building. Her announcement was that all six officers were charged in regards to the death of Freddie Gray. But not only that, one or two were charged with Murder. This was unexpected or at least not expected at this moment. while this is a sad case for the families of the officers and the family of Freddie Gray, you can hear horns blow in the streets of Baltimore when that was announced. And you can almost see a sense of relief on some of the citizens face. It is like someone lifted a boulder off of their shoulders. But on the other hand, the police union in Baltimore has called for an independent investigation, feeling that they need a second pair of eyes and ears who is not connected with Mosby's office. Wow! how ironic.. I just remember recently from Michael Brown, Eric Garner's death and others that the attorney's for the families of the deceased were asking for an outside independent investigation as well. And you know what? Some of the same ones who have asked for this action to be done in Baltimore, maybe back then felt that those request were offensive to police officers. It was also something to finally get the long pained question that America has been asking answered, and that was...What did Freddie Gray do to get arrested in the first place? Well, according to Attorney Mosby's investigation ..Freddie Gray did Nothing. And the knife that he had on him was not illegal. So, what happened in that van? I mean for Real. Seeing Mr. Gray in pain on his way to the van in the hands of The Baltimore Police was awful. But to see that he was in respiratory distress and was ignored when he asked for an inhaler was very painful. You know, That could of been anybody's son...Wake up Everybody. In Peace and in Prayer, we need to take all of these cases like it's Personal! No matter what community or city that you live in! And making it personal also goes with this black on black crime as well. All of it Has to Stop Now! So, where do we go from here? Well, my advice is to Take a note from the page of a Man of Great Wisdom. And that is congressman Elijah Cummings! Every night he has been on the streets in the faces of hundreds of protesters giving them advice, loving them and telling them to go home at curfew. Rep. Cummings is no punk, and no sell out. He is genuine. And he has been a fighter for all of us for years. He knows about injustice. He knows about fighting. This man of wisdom has been humiliated on the floor of the congress and in many committees by the republican party many times. But he has always kept going. Congressman Elijah Cummings, We Love You and are Proud of you. And please, just keep on keeping on! The young men in the community and this nation can learn a lot from you. So to the protesters in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Minnesota and the like. I have a challenge for you, Put Your Common Sense and Guts where your mouth is. It's just like what Atty. Mosby said...You said No Justice No Peace, well justice is now in process. So, Man Up, Woman Up and keep the peace. Because if you don't...your sins will find you out. just as some of us suspected, we will see that it never was about Freddie Gray with you. We will see that it was never about your voices not being heard or about jobs...You just wanted to tear down and destroy and maybe you were getting a few bucks to do it! Well if this is You. The people who do care, love their community and who want to fight peacefully, they will move you out of the way...So No Justice, No Peace! But, Peace, Peace, Peace Must Be Still!! Blessings PastorD

Monday, April 27, 2015


Goodmorning, Today is Monday, April 27th, 2015. And as I promised myself, today will be the first of weekly blogs for the consumer. It is called: "Consumers Corner" It will be one day a week addressing concerns of consumers in the stores, doctor offices, car dealers and the like. It is important that not only should we know our rights, but we should also stay informed and use the wisdom that God has given us. Starting at the age of 11 following my mother's footsteps, the (late Birdtrice J. Smith)...Consumer Rights was one of my fights. In these blogs we will talk about your right to be treated with respect as a customer/patient. But it will also remind us that to get respect, we too Must be respectful. So stay tuned. Today's Consumer Corner is below: God Bless You. "THERE'S SOMETHING SMELLING...IN DENMARK" When you enter your grocery store, what greets you first, a greeter or the smell from the back of the store? Do not be fooled, a Dead Cow or Chicken should not be the one to meet you as soon as you walk in. Just like urine should not meet you on your way in the door when you visit a loved one in a nursing home. Do Not put up with that. Please go immediately to that store manager or director and address it peacefully. It is very important to develop a relationship with the management of the store that you frequent. And if a peaceful conversation does not work, go to the next step, go to the corporation who owns the store. No help there?...Then go to: and file a complaint. No one should have to put up with bad food, and a dirty store. That's Your Money that you are putting into that store. That's Your family who you are feeding from that store. And if when you do address the manager, don't fall for no quick answers like somebody spilled something in the back. Speak up. And let me close with this. I see this a lot in the inner cities. For you may have a store that may be the only store within miles of your home, and I have walked in these stores and have saw filth. Do not let them think that because your choices are slim that you have to deal with that mess.. Report them! You are the consumer...You are the boss! And to those Large Chains like Kroger, Meijer Spartan Stores and the like...I am watching You. when I pick up a pack of chicken or pork chops, I should not have to see old dried blood, or a meat shelf that looks like it has not been cleaned in years. And guess what?...It Smells! You better get your act together! My four and two year old granddaughters can do a better job of cleaning that up! So, is something smelling in Denmark at your store? Demand a Clean up, Report it, and if to no avail..Shut it Down!. And Never Shop there again until it's Fixed! Blessings, PastorD

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Here we go again, without knowing all of the facts, it appears that we are now dealing with another senseless death at the hand of the police. This time it was in The City of Baltimore Maryland. And this man Mr. Freddie Gray did not die by a gunshot. As a matter of fact, how he died is still a mystery. It was a week after he was hospitalized that Mr. Gray died from a Severe Brain Spinal injury. But how did that happened? And why was he arrested and dragged to a Police Van, Moaning in the first place? So while We say after Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Mr.Dent in Michigan and Others that Enough is Enough, And while the investigation is in process, I have one Question to ask....... "Who The Heck..Are You?! The People who have been protesting peacefully in Baltimore, I am praying for you, and keep on protesting. But to the ones who are causing Violence..Who are You? And where did you come from? Do you even know Mr. Gray, Michael Brown or the others? Do you even care about what happened to them or to their grieving families? My Answer..probably not. It's ashame, but just like in Ferguson, St. Louis, La, New york and The Like...You Probably don't know Nothing!! You see, it's folk like these who give good citizens a bad name. Like those racist cops give good cops a bad name as well. I can almost guarantee you that the trouble makers do not have any ties with the community or even care about the community. What was your social activism before this? you know, Michael Brown etc.? Do you Vote? Do even know how to vote? Where were you when the folk in the grass root community were getting their tail whooped, by lies and abuse just to fight for your rights?..Uh! Where were you? Well on this day, April 26th, 2015, you better Listen up. You see, you have No respect for the community, the grieving families and obviously No respect for yourself. So You need to leave, get back on the bus, and get the heck out of the way. Because You are "In The Way"!! And let me say this.. to those of you Brothers and Sitas ( And even a few folks from the Caucasian persuasion )..who have taken money from some groups/corporation that means no one any good, and who have put you on the bus just to start the riots and the fights....Watch Out, God Knows Who You are! And He knows who Sent You. It's Judgment Day Baby, and your day is about to come! Oh and listen, I am not talking about justice coming from the courts you understand, I am talking about the wheels of justice from a Mighty God. He is about to Deal with You!! Enough is Enough!! So let the righteous and the true fighters of justice continue the fight through peace, prayer and your vote. And do not let folks like theses distractors and those who are profiting off of them, Stop You! So Please Continue to Pray, Stand Up And Fight...In Peace! Blessings PastorD

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Blessings, Happy/Blessed Palms Sunday! I have not been with you for a While, and Today's Blog may be a little Controversial, but it is Real and it Must be dealt with. How many times in our society, have we heard about stories of rape and incest among the family? Incest that might have taken place as a child but has now come to fester and cause harm in the victims adult life. And just like in Joyce Meyers case, when the child told the parent or responsible guardian of the act, The Parent turns their head, accuse them of lying, or somehow made them think that it had to be their Fault. And what happens?...that child feels like they just got raped all over again. But as bad as The rape or molestation was, not being believed or getting help when Uncle or Aunt so and so raped or touched them inappropriately is Worst. And all anyone cared about was keeping the family name... But let's go outside of the house. Let's go to The Church. When all of those awful charges came out about the Catholic Priest who either raped or had inappropriate behavior with an Altar boy, or child, I charged my denomination not to smirk. For I told them, don't you dare laugh about this. Because You know what You are doing. And just like for the Catholic Church, your mess will come out soon. The Elephant is in The Room. You know, it hurts to have someone very, very close to you to tell you in their adult Life, that an uncle molested them when they were a child. And even though You Never Denied that it happened, it still feels bad when in hind site you realize that the warning signs were all there, but you just did not see it. And then to find out, that the person that they dearly loved was told, but nothing was done...That Hurts..It Really Hurts! Well, How about that Young Child, Adult, Male or Female or preacher in the church who went to that Bishop, or Leader and told them that Pastor so and so, or Deacon, Steward, or Sis. Evangelist so and so, touched them where they should not have, or had sex with them, and that Leader did Nothing?! How about Those same young victims running to their parents and telling them about the offences of a Pastor, or Deacon etc...And when they did, they were told that they were Lying and that Pastor So and So would Never do that, And Don't You Repeat this! But The Church Knew, just like other family members knew about cousin Pooky and them. But it was just The Elephant in The Room. And then there is The Cooperate World...( Oh excuse Me, sometimes you cannot tell the difference between the Corporate world and the Church)...Anyway, How many sexual harassment cases or Racial Discrimination Cases got swept under the rug. or The Victims in the office, were afraid to speak up because of backlash or they knew that the CEO's wouldn't believe them? But The Office Knew...It's The Elephant in the room. And then there are preachers, preachers who are going through their own hell, not from anything that they have done, but from the stress of pastoring, the church members from hell and just being overwhelmed. And when they go to their leaders, they are ignored or brushed off. Just Get that Budget in, they are told. and so no help is given. And then when you hear about the Suicide of preachers and The deaths of young preachers due to heart attacks or a stroke. What do folk say?...oh that was too bad about Rev. So and So...But No one wants to address the Real Problem. Again, it's that Big Elephant in The Room. And Baby, That Elephant has got to Go!!! Enough is Enough! So on this Palms Sunday and Holy Week, Let's Stand Up and Fight for those who have been victims in and out of the Church. Let's Stand up and back up those who you know that Corporate Bosses have illegally and immorally did your co-workers Wrong. Let's Make our Episcopal Leaders Listen to their preachers and give them the help that they need...Now! No More Sweeping it under the rug. From The Catholic Church to The Church of God in Christ, A.M.E. and More. The Abuse, The Denial, The Passing of The Buck has got to Stop! And to those of you who are in Charge, You might have turned your back when your Son or Daughter in the Ministry who highly Respected and Loved you, came to you for help, But When you Face God...(And You Will).. What do You think that God is Going to Say?! Black Lives Matter, Preachers Lives Matter, Your Congregations Matter, Our Babies Matter! And as I Close, I have to wonder, Would that CEO, have not turned their head to that Supervisor, Director or Boss's Mis-Conduct if they weren't bringing the Money or the Best Clients in? Would that Pastor or Church Leader have been Prosecuted and taken down, if Their Church wasn't Paying their Budget on Time? What's Your excuse? And Parents...Listen to your Children. And Listen People, You Must Listen to The Holy Ghost. Because He is speaking. And Judgement Day will Come. Repentance Must Come All across our Families, Our Corporations and Especially in Our Churches Now! So, let's All get together and Kick that Elephant out of The Room. For We Must, Pray, Stand Up and Fight! And to those who have gone through or who are going through Preacher Burn out. For those who were abused and found no help. Healing is in the room. Just like someone real dear to me, you too can sit down with God, and ask him to Search yourself. For even as we go through, there is always a lesson for us to learn. And when God has His hands on You.. All that you have gone through will be to "His" Glory and So that You can help Somebody Else. For The devil Will Not have No Victory! Amen?. And There is a Book that will be coming out around April 1st, 2015, that may help you. It's entitled: "REBUILD" by Rev. Dr. Marcus A. Cylar-You can go to and Get a Copy. For We were Hurt, But Now...We can be Restored, Healed and Set Free!! Blessings PastorD